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Runbook initiation from SharePoint, Question?




Current situatuion, i have a sharepoint list that keeps all values for a baseline vm server configuration e.g. ram, cpu disk, etc. The runbook querys with the host name as key identifier the sharpoint list an grab all the values needed to set up the vm guest system.


I look now for a nice solution to initiation the runbook with least one value from sharepoint 2013 workflows, does anyone has some experiance with that, which technology did you use, to combine the to systems?


I found a little nice bdc conector for sharepoint from Oren, but external sharepoint lists has the limitation to asociate them with workflows. Which way should i go now, try to call the sco webservice from the workflow or try to du that with the sharepoint designer ps instegration?


Any Suggestions would be nice...



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