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Posts posted by lalajee

  1. Hi, I'm setting up new SCCM standalone site but i keep getting this warning.

    error 1

    The site server might be unable to publish to Active Directory. The computer account for the site server must have Full Control permissions to the System Management container in its Active Directory domain. You can ignore this warning if you have manually verified these permissions. For more information about your options to configure required permissions, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=233190.

    error 2

    Support for Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 ends on October 9, 2023. Plan to upgrade your site servers to a supported operating system. For more information, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2186091.

    New SCCM server has full control on "System Management container" and its Windows 2019 Std

    SQL and SCCM site server are running Windows 2019, everything is install on single server e.g. MP,DP,SUP



  2. 16 minutes ago, GarthMJ said:

    Is this a VM? if so that is a lot of broken up drive and will give you almost zero benefit. Create a C (os only) and D (virtual DVD),  E (everything else) drive and be done with it. 

    It is VM, the reason i though of creating multiple drive is that if we need to move any of the service then we can do it easily 


    For primary site I was also think of doing this


    cpu: 4 cour
    RAM 20GB
    C 100GB

    D(sccm install) 50GB
    E: (database mdf/ldf/temp for sccm and wsus) 100GB

    H Application Source 500GB
    I ContentLib (sccm/WSUS) 500GB

  3. Hi, I'm building new SCCM Primary site and need some information

    What is our requirements
    we have around 2000 Device (servers 2003 to 2019 and Client Win 7 to 10 21H2), 200 Users
    Office is based in 4 location

    I just like to know what is best practice for this kind of setup

    I came up with this but i'm not sure if this is OK
    cpu: 4 cour
    RAM 20GB
    C 100GB,
    D(sccm install) 50GB,
    E: (database mdf for sccm and wsus) 70GB
    F (database ldf for sccm and wsus)

    G (database Temp for sccm and wsus)
    H Application Source 500GB
    I ContentLib (sccm/WSUS) 500GB

    3 DP
    2 core cpu
    8GB ram
    C 100GB
    D ContentLib 500GB

    Is this the best setup or i'm i missing something

  4. I build new DP and set it up for pre-stage content but packages are not mark as successfully even after i run the pre-stage command

    On remote DP I have copy all of the pre-stage packages and run following command for each package

    ExtractContent.exe /f /P:X:\Prestage\Content\xxx28.pkgx

    When I check the prestage log file under SMS_DP$\sms\logs\PrestageContent.log

    I see following messages Sent xxxx28.5 package state message to site

    but after few days I still see same package in progress with following message

    Distribution Manager is waiting for package xxx28 content to be prestaged on the distribution point ["DISPLAY=\\DP\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=xxx"]\\DP. You must manually prestage the package xxx28 on the distribution point before the content will be available.


    I also try following

    have remove the Prestage tick from new DP but 2000 packages are still say

    Waiting for prestaged content Distribution Manager is waiting for package xxxxxxx content to be prestaged on the distribution point ["Display=\\xxxxxxx\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=xxx"]\\xxxxxxx. You must manually prestage the package xxxxxxx on the distribution point before the content will be available. In Progress xxxxxxx

    All of the packages are already on the DP - I can see them in the content library application

    How do I force site server to mark these packages as successful

  5. 1 hour ago, anyweb said:

    how are you deploying the batch file ? have you checked the execmgr.log ?

    Client is upgraded no issue with upgrading the client, the only thing is that SMSCACHESIZE is not changing to 15% of the disk size.

    In the client.msi.log i see following message

    Cache Info already present. SMSCACHEDIR, SMSCACHEFLAGS would be ignored.

    How do I force the client to take new settings without re-installing it


  6. Hi,
    I have TS to install Windows 10 multi language.

    I'm downloading the langauge packs into folder and then i'm using powershell script to install it.

    Install Client LP script

    Param ($contentPath)
    Set-StrictMode -Off
    $logFile = "C:\lang\InstallLanguagePacks.log"
    if(!(Test-Path $logFile)){New-Item -Path $logFile -Force}
    $contentPath | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append
    [array]$AllLPs = Get-ChildItem "$contentPath\*\LP\Microsoft-Windows-Client-Language-Pack_x64*.cab"
    "{0:u} | Found {1} language packs:" -f [datetime]::Now, $AllLPs.Count | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append
    $AllLPs.FullName | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append
    Foreach ($lp in $AllLPs)
        "Install new LP $lp" | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append
        $lp.FullName | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append
        Add-WindowsPackage -Online -PackagePath $lp.FullName -NoRestart -Verbose 3>&1 4>&1 | 
        ForEach-Object {"{0:u} | {1}" -f [DateTime]::Now, ($_ | Out-String) | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append }


    Install Fod Script

    Param ($contentPath)

    Set-StrictMode -Off

    $logFile = "C:\Language\InstallLanguagePacks-FOD.log"
    if(!(Test-Path $logFile)){New-Item -Path $logFile -Force}

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
    $installedLP = Get-WindowsPackage -Online -PackageName "*Client-languagePack*" |
        Where-Object {$_.PackageState -eq 'Installed' -and $_.PackageName -notmatch '~en-US~' -and $_.PackageName -notmatch '~en-GB~'}

    "{0:u} | Detected installed Language packs:" -f [datetime]::Now | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append
    ($installedLP | Select-Object CapacityID, PackageName | Out-String -Stream) | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append

    $FODCat = @('Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Basic-',
    $FODs =@()

    foreach($Item in $FODCat)
        $FODs += Get-ChildItem "$contentPath\*\FOD\$Item*.cab" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName

    "{0:} | Reading FOd content source. Found {1} language and readion feature on demand (FOD): " -f [datetime]::Now, $FODs.Count | 
        Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append

    If($FODs.Count) { 
        "",$FODs.Substring($contentPath.Length),"" | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append
        $FODs | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append 

    foreach ($fp in $FODs)
        "Installing FoD $fp" | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append
         Add-WindowsPackage -Online -PackagePath "$($fp)" -NoRestart -PreventPending -Verbose 3>&1 4>&1 | 
        ForEach-Object {"{0:u} | {1}" -f [DateTime]::Now, ($_ | Out-String) | Tee-Object -FilePath $logFile -Append }


    I can see the language is being download and script is finding the languages but its not install it. I try to manually install it in winpe i get error message but when i try to install it in windows it works fine


  7. Hi,

    I have pull DP and some of the packages are failing with this massage.

    Package Transfer Manager failed to update the package "xxxx05", Version 1 on pull distribution point Pull.DP.COM. This pull distribution point has no sources from which it can download content. We will try again later.

    I have Prestage this package on the PUll DP but after 24 hours, it showing under progress with above message.

    In PrestageContent.log I can see following message 'Sent xxxx05 package state message to site'

    In MECM console under "\Monitoring\Overview\System Status\Status Message Queries\All Status Messages"

    I can see the site is receiving the message


    Is they anything else I can do to make it as successful 


  8. Hi, 

    Under the Distribution Point Job queue Manger it show that 86 jobs are running for last 5 days.


    I have checked Distmgr, PKGXfermgr log on primary server and SMSDPPRov log on DP but I dont see any issue. The DP which is showing 86 package running is Pull DP

    Our Setup

    • CAS with 3 Primary Site With DP and Pull DP


    My question is

    • Does it mean 86 Jobs are replicating to this server or is this server replicating 86 Job to other DP's
    • What logs i can check to see why it has 86 Job running for last 5 days.
    • Which server do I need check the logs from

    Please advice



  9. 46 minutes ago, lalajee said:

    SQL, I re-run the sync again and it looks like it has been successfully this time but its not picking up the new updates e.g. I dont see any updates from Oct 2021

    I can see some updates for 2022 e.g. .Net Frame


    In Product and Classification 

    Under Products Tab

    All Windows 10 Option are selected however the option for Client-21H1 or later is not selected

    Under Classifications

    All option are selected expect for Driver Set

  10. 3 minutes ago, anyweb said:

    is WSUS separate from Configuration Manager ? what version of Windows Server is it running on ?

    Its not link to SCCM. Its standalone WSUS


    When I try to access WSUS MMC console > Synchronizations it crash the MMC console.

    The WSUS administration console was unable to connect to the WSUS Server via the remote API.

    Verify that the Update Services service, IIS and SQL are running on the server. If the problem persists, try restarting IIS, SQL, and the Update Services Service.

    System.Net.WebException -- The operation has timed out


    Stack Trace:
      at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
      at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.ApiRemotingCompressionProxy.GetWebResponse(WebRequest webRequest)
      at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
      at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.ApiRemoting.ExecuteSPGetUpdateServerStatus(Int32 updateSources, Boolean includeDownstreamComputers, String updateScopeXml, String computerTargetScopeXml, String preferredCulture, Int32 publicationState, Int32 propertiesToGet)
      at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.AdminDataAccessProxy.ExecuteSPGetUpdateServerStatus(UpdateSources updateSources, Boolean includeDownstreamComputers, String updateScopeXml, String computerTargetScopeXml, String preferredCulture, ExtendedPublicationState publicationState, UpdateServerStatusPropertiesToGet propertiesToGet)
      at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.UpdateServer.GetStatus(UpdateSources updateSources, Boolean includeDownstreamComputers, UpdateScope updatesToInclude, ComputerTargetScope computersToInclude, UpdateServerStatusPropertiesToGet propertiesToGet)
      at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.UpdateServer.GetReplicaStatus(UpdateSources updateSources)
      at Microsoft.UpdateServices.UI.AdminApiAccess.CachedObject.RefreshCache()
      at Microsoft.UpdateServices.UI.AdminApiAccess.CachedObject.GetFromCache()
      at Microsoft.UpdateServices.UI.SnapIn.Pages.ServerSummaryPage.backgroundWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)



    2022-02-02 16_28_20- Desktop Viewer.png

  11. Hi,

    An new Wsus was build last year for Workgroup computers but Wsus is not download/get any new updates.

    I have checked firewall rules and I can see all of the url are allowed for this server.

    Is they an log file I can check to see why its not sync with Windows update or downloading new updates.
    Also is they an log file for client computer connection issue.

    On the client I can ping and connect to wsus server and the registry for wsus server exist on the client machine

    The Windows Defender updates are working but nothing else.

  12. Hi,

    I'm trying to install RSAT tools on Windows 10 20H2 but it keep failing

    Step I use to install.
    I download the FOD from Microsoft site "Windows 10 2004 FOD" which is also for 20H2
    Then run this script to extract the files 

    $FoD_Source = "C:\Downloads\W10RSAT_FOD\2004\2004_FoD_Disk.iso"
     Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "$FoD_Source"
     $path = (Get-DiskImage "$FoD_Source" | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
     $lang = "en-US"
     $dest = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$env:SystemDrive\temp\RSAT_2004_$lang" -force
     Get-ChildItem ($path+":\") -name -recurse -include *~amd64~~.cab,*~wow64~~.cab,*~amd64~$lang~.cab,*~wow64~$lang~.cab -exclude *languagefeatures*,*Holographic*,*NetFx3*,*OpenSSH*,*Msix* |
     ForEach-Object {copy-item -Path ($path+“:\”+$_) -Destination $dest.FullName -Force -Container}
     #get metadata
     copy-item ($path+":\metadata") -Destination $dest.FullName -Recurse
     copy-item ($path +“:\"+“FoDMetadata_Client.cab”) -Destination $dest.FullName -Force -Container
     #Dismount ISO
     Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath "$FOD_Source"


    Then use this script to install the RSAT tools 

     $FoD_Source = "$env:SystemDrive\temp\RSAT_2004_en_US"
     $RSAT_FoD = Get-WindowsCapability Online | Where-Object Name -like 'RSAT*'
     #Install RSAT Tools
     Foreach ($RSAT_FoD_Item in $RSAT_FoD)
         Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $RSAT_FoD_Item.name -Source $FoD_Source -LimitAccess

    but i get this error message 

    Add-WindowsCapability : The source files could not be found.
    Use the "Source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more
    information on specifying a source location, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=243077.
    At line:1 char:39
    + ... $RSAT_FoD){Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $RSAT_FoD_Item.name - ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-WindowsCapability], COMException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Dism.Commands.AddWindowsCapabilityCommand


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