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Posts posted by syparon

  1. Hey,


    I do not know how to display AD Security groups but I knw hot set the membership during the task sequence.

    You just have to create a SCCM Package which contain a powershell script :


    function FindGn { param([string]$GroupName)
    $Root = [ADSI]''
    $Query = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($Root)
    $Query.filter = "CN=$GroupName"
    $Group = $Query.findall()
    return $Group[0].path
    foreach ($Group in $Args) {
    $SysInfo = New-Object -ComObject "ADSystemInfo"
    $HostN = $SysInfo.GetType().InvokeMember("ComputerName", "GetProperty", $Null, $SysInfo, $Null)
    $GroupN = FindGN $Group
    $GroupN = [ADSI]$GroupN
    If the script is called SetMembership The command line Task in you TS must be : Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File SetMembership.ps1 "Group 1" " Group 2 " "..."
    I hope it could help you


  2. Hi all,


    My goal is to Install applications with Dynamic Varibales which are set in a Device Collection.

    I created a query to link my device collection with an AD Security group (<-- It works)

    So during the task sequence I put the Computer as member of a security group (<-- It works)

    After this I execute a script which make a forest discovery and an update membership for the device Collection (Script is below)




    #/ Session Creation /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Try {
    $MySession = New-PSSession [serverHostName]
    Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    Invoke-Command -session $MySession -ArgumentList $Collections -script {
    param ($Collections)
    $Collections = $Collections.Split(',')
    #/ Import Module + Change Drive /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Import-Module "E:\Services\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
    $SCCMDrv = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite
    cd "$($SCCMDrv):"
    ################################ Forest Discovery ####################################
    Invoke-CMForestDiscovery -SiteCode "[siteCode]"
    ################### Update Membership - Software Baseline ########################
    $SiteCode = "[siteCode]"
    $SiteServer = "[serverHostName]"
    foreach ($Value in $Collections) {
    echo $Values
    $CollectionQuery = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "Root\SMS\Site_$SiteCode" -Class SMS_Collection `
    -ComputerName $SiteServer -ErrorAction STOP -Filter "Name='$Value'"
    Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    Start-Sleep -s 30



    (The task picture is joined to this topic)





    When I execute the script on a machine it works well and when I execute it through a task sequence I can see in SMSTS log that the task is successfull (Successfully completed the action (Refresh membership) with the exit code 0)

    But it does not update the membership at all !

    Is it because of the configuration manager client ? or something else maybe ?


    I hope I was clear

    Thanks in advance



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