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  1. Dear Experts, I Would like to get some inputs from you Please. My Data Center is located in 2 Regions. This data center is supplying the services (Windows Server, Network., etc) At Present we are planning to perform SCCM CB Implementation with High Availability for SCCM Client Roles. In fact not for SQL (Due to Commercial items) Single Standalone Primary Site is fair enough for the environment. However, We would like to reduce the usage of SQL Server, and make the Client facing roles with HA. Hence your inputs would be helpful for us Data Center Region A: Server 1 - SCCM Site Server - A Primary Site with Roles (Component Server, Site Server, Site System, Reporting Service Point, Other Non Client Facing Roles) Server 2 - SCCM Site System - Client Facing Roles (Management Point, Software Update Point/WSUS, Distribution Point (With WDS/PXE OSD Capabilties) Data Center Region B: Server 3 - SCCM Site System - Client Facing Roles (Management Point, Software Update Point/WSUS, Distribution Point (WithOut WDS/PXE OSD Capabilties) So all Client facing role, will be working with HA Option. However, PXE Boot for OSD will work only with SERVER 2 from WDS (Which respond to the Client during the OS Imaging) - To make this happen I need to mention the IP Details of WDS Server (Server 2 from Region A) in the DHCP Scope. Am I correct? The reason, I do not preferred to give the SERVER 3 (From Region B)as WDS Role with PXE, which we do not need to give the multiple entries with DHCP Scope (Option 66, 67) for OSD Please suggest, if this is looks good for an organization. The Ultimate goal is to reduce the SQL CPU Utilization.
  2. Dear Experts, I Would like to take an advice from you all for ADK are talking about ADK: Would like to get few points here At Present, I am having SCCM 2012 SP2 with Windows 7 with ADK ** Assume the Site Code : ABC Now the Plan is to do side by Side migration with SCCM CB V1702 and Upgrade to SCCM CB V1710 and this is to support Windows 10. Site Code : DEF Before I install windows 10, I will be moving all the clients from Site Code : ABC to DEF I will be having all my Existing Client move from *Windows 7 Machines* to DEF Site In the New Environment, Will be Managing both windows 7 and windows 10 1. Application Management (Windows 7 and Windows 10) 2. Patch Management *Windows 7, 10* 3. OS Imaging *Windows 7, Windows 10* I Would like to make my environment to be stable with both OS. Please let me know which ADK Version is needed in my Environment for Windows 10 Operating System I Will be having 1. Windows 10 LTSB 2. Windows 10 Enterprise With Version 1803 3. Also Windows 7 SP1 Which ADK Version, I Should have in my Environment *DEF Site Code* After all successful, Migration will be moving out completely from the Site Code : ABC
  3. Hi Everyone, sorry in advance for been a bit long winded. I am having an issue with MDT 2013, ADK for 8.1 working WDS. To start deploying server 2012, 8.1 and eventually Windows 10 (I know I will have to update MDT and ADK), a new server with 2012 R2 was built. MDT 2013 and ADK for Windows 8.1 was installed. I added the nic drivers to MDT out of box drivers. I then created the boot wims through MDT Update Deployment Share and installed WDS, I added the boot wim to WDS. However when I pxe boot I get the following error message after hitting F12 for network service boot. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://neosmart.net/wiki/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2015/01/your-pc-needs-to-be-repaired-1.jpg&imgrefurl=https://neosmart.net/wiki/your-pc-needs-to-be-repaired/&h=600&w=980&tbnid=lgk55v24IoFx1M:&docid=raSohln5yHyVpM&ei=-eSwVbqNOMGX7Qa8vaiQAw&tbm=isch&ved=0CB0QMygAMABqFQoTCPrtmY-n8cYCFcFL2wodvB4KMg However if I create a bootable cd from the iso that was created through Update Deployment Share, it works correctly. I had a look through the following thread https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/a164b948-1778-42bd-8d77-9cef1ca70866/image-capture-boot-image-fails-with-0xc000000f?forum=winserversetup and mounted and unmounted the wim using DISM, still got the same error. Next I restored the machine to an earlier snapshot (Aren’t they Great saved me many a time), and installed MDT 2012 and ADK for Windows 8, same error. Final test to make sure that it wasn’t the server. I updated the old server which has server 2008 R2 on it with MDT 2010 and ADK 2.0 (which does work honest ) to MDT 2012 and ADK for Windows 8, regenerated the boot image added to WDS and get the same boot BCD error. At this point I am stuck, has anyone come across this before or have any ideas? Any Help appreciated Kola
  4. Hi all. Attempting to install 2012 SP1 and it appears the pre-req checks for the Deployment Tools and PE are performed on the server that is specified for the SMS provider, rather than the SCCM server itself. Please refer screenshot below where the ADK tests are being undertaken on the DB server for some reason. SCCM Server: ADL-SCCM02.ourdomain.com (Win 2k8 R2) DB Server: ADL-SCDB01.ourdomain.com (SQL 2012 with cU2) The deployment kit has been installed on ADL-SCCM02 (including WinPE, Deployment Kit, etc), however the pre-req check is testing the database server (ADL-SCDB01). We opted to install the SMS provider on the database server (ADL-SCDB01) so suspected this could be related. As a troubleshooting step, I switched the SMS provider to ADL-SCCM02 and the pre-req's passed, presumably as the pre-req tests were correctly undertaken on the SCCM server instead of the DB server. The log file from a failed check is below. Extract: <01-09-2013 20:13:00> <<<CategoryDesc: Checking dependent components for ConfigMgr...>>> <01-09-2013 20:13:00> ADL-SCDB01.mydomain.com; Windows Deployment Tools installed; Error; The Windows Deployment Tools component of the Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) is required and must be installed before Setup can continue. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=252874 <01-09-2013 20:13:00> INFO: CheckAdkWinPeInstalled on ADL-SCDB01.mydomain.com. <01-09-2013 20:13:01> ADL-SCDB01.mydomain.com; Windows Preinstallation Environment installed; Error; The Windows Preinstallation Environment component of the Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) is required and must be installed before Setup can continue. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=252874 <01-09-2013 20:13:01> ADL-SCDB01.mydomain.com; SMS Provider machine has same domain as site server; Passed I'm not aware of any link or dependancy between the SMS provider and the ADK, so assume this is a bug in the pre-req checker where a variable is not updated from the SMS or DB check and is passed to the ADK check. I'm about to try again after removing the other warnings, which shouldn't be critical (just windows auth on sql box) but could possible cause a logic error in the wizard. BTW I recall back in 2007 that the pre-req checker didn't correctly check permissions on the System container when applying via security group (with machine account a member) rather than the machine account itself - looks like this is still the case (hence one of our warnings)? Any other suggestions? We could of course install the SMS provider on the SCCM box and be done with it, however we're going to have a number of console installed across our support staff etc, and so it seems more efficient to install the provider on the DB to prevent the double hop and optimise performance.. Thanks in advance.
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