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Software Update Packages and downstream DPs

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I was wondering if it is possible to configure a secondary software update server to download the updates in packages from microsoft?

We have a remote site which has a very poor VPN connection between the two sites. We prestage all other packages to this site and I would prefer to not have to take security updates down there all the time.


We currently use a downstream WSUS server which gets meta information from the primary but downloads the updates directly from microsoft.

However due to a range of reasons I would quite like to start using SCCM SUP.



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The first thing I like to note is that if you're downloading the updates yourself (via the wizard) that it's the device, that your console is running on, that's really contacting with internet.


Second thing is that you cann't download updates twice to the same package, from different locations. This would mean you have to configure a separate package for that location. Another thing you might consider is a Pull DP.

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