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dell venue 11 (5130)

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I'm working on imaging a few hundred dell venue pros (5130) with sccm 2012 r2. I'm attempting to pxe boot the devices. i'm using the dell doc for this. I have gotten the device to boot and (as far a I know) install the pxe boot image. I get to the white System Configuration screen and I see it say preparing or starting network configuration and then it reboots. I turned on enable command support and have stopped it on the configuration screen and when I run ipconfig i'm not seeing any NICs. I also notice the nic light on the doc is out.


I'm pretty certain i'm missing the driver for the nic or doc but in my boot image under the driver tab I have the asix ax88772 usb to fast Ethernet adapter driver installed.


is this my problem? what logs can I look at?



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Not puilling an IP is one problem, but the rebooting might be due to it not seeing any storage to install on. Do those require a special storage driver so sccm can see that it has storage to install an OS on? I know when i have computers doing that, its generally a Hard Drive problem on the machine I'm looking to load.


I'm guessing your not getting to the point where you are seeing the available TS's.

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