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Issues Building and Capturing WIN 7 using SCCM 2012

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I have an issue that is driving me crazy. I have succesfully captured a WIN 8.1 image, but I am unable to build and capture win 7 images in my SCCM 2012 R2 lab. Observations:

  • I am getting error 0x00000002 after "Preparing System Image"
  • It appears that it installed WIN 7 to d:/
    • I have tried adding OSDPreserveDriveLetter=false with no success
  • It appears I have no ip address or network drivers after win7 is installed
  • I am unable to find smstslog in the locations where it should be located

I am using a Lenovo t430 as the reference computer.



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Okay, i too had a load of issues doing this myself. If you have a virtual environment i would HIGHLY suggest that you use a VM as your Build & Capture reference machine. If you don't have a VM environment, and you must use the T430 then i believe that you do not have the correct network driver for Windows 7 located in the "Apply Driver Package" section of your B&C, hence the reason you have no IP address once Windows is installed. Make sure that you put the correct architecture of driver into your TS (x86 or x64) depending on whether your creating an X64 Windows 7 image or an X86 Windows image. That's where i'd start anyways.

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What does your task sequence look like when your loading windows and then capturing it? It sounds like you have two formats, one for BIOS and one for UEFI, which will cause this to happen. Make sure you only have one format, and its marked as primary drive and it uses 100% of the drive. Make sure that you also have it maked as boot drive.


The IP address is probably due to you not having the right drivers being installed. It will use the NIC driver in the PE image until an OS is installed, then it starts using the drivers installed in Windows. As far as the SMSTS log, it is inside the windows/ccm/logs directory if windows installed, if it didnt install then its in a temp space which you need to get to while the machine is imaging.Make sure you have F8 enabled while your building images, so you can access and test things. This helps tremendously. It also allows you to see if you can ping while capturing/deploying an image to make sure you have the correct drivers installed.

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