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Server migration 2008 to 2012 and language difference

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I got an existing enviroment in windows server 2008 r2 Dutch.


I want to upgrade to windows server 2012 R2 Englisch, i already got a domein controller on 2012R2 englisch


Now the following problem shows up, becouse the language difference the 2012 R2 domain controller can not read al the group policy on the Dtuch 2008 R2 server.
How can i solve this problem?, is there a way trough language pack? or is that only for the GUI.


Primary domain controller 2008 r2 Dutch

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After searching, the main problem is in the Group policy's


Can't read the dutch group policy and getting te error that admx files can not be found.


Now i downloaded the 2008 r2 english admx files and place them in the right spot.stil getting problems with reading the GPO's, also putted the 2012 r2 policy's in the policy definition folder.

this kind of errors i get :

Resource '$(string.AxISURLZonePolicies)' referenced in attribute displayName could not be found. File \\W2K8R2-DC01.[Domainname].local\sysvol\[Domainname].local\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\ActiveXInstallService.admx, line 28, column 276
Resource '$(string.AppCompatTurnOffApplicationImpactTelemetry)' referenced in attribute displayName could not be found. File \\W2K8R2-DC01.[Domainname].local\sysvol\[Domainname].local\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\AppCompat.admx, line 39, column 292



is there a way to convert te policy to English language or let the English DC read the dutch policy

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