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SCCM 2012 R2 CU3 - can you apply patch during OSD?

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In SCCM 2007 I could apply client patches during the config manager client install task of an OSD like thus: PATCH="%_SMSTSMDataPath%\OSD\AH2000A6\hotfix\KB2994331\Client\x64\Configmgr2012ac-r2-kb2994331-x64.msp"


Can it be done the same way in 2012? the hotfixes no longer reside in the client install folder, so the .msp's would have to be copied there manually and the client package updated. I've found at least one post where this was being done, but I cannot find any official MS KB saying this is supported or not: http://www.deploymentresearch.com/Research/tabid/62/EntryId/189/Installing-CU3-for-ConfigMgr-2012-R2.aspx

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yes it's possible, I apply it like so,


one step to copy the patch locally (the %OSPART% variable is set via a checkwindowsdriveletter.wsf script), the package it copies is one of those created when you Install CU3 namely R2 CU3 - x64 client update - XYZ where XYZ is your site code

xcopy ".\*.*" "%OSPART%\Windows\Temp\CU_Hotfix\" /D /E /C /I /Q /H /R /Y /S

and another to apply it during Setup Windows and ConfigMgr

ccmhttpport=8008 SMSCACHESIZE=20000 CCMLOGMAXHISTORY=5 CCMLOGMAXSIZE=5000000 PATCH="C:\Windows\Temp\CU_Hotfix\configmgr2012ac-r2-kb2994331-x64.msp"

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I tried this method, first test was a bust, had to remove the variable and just use C:, second test was a bust because the image finished and I noticed that the CCM client was missing most of the actions, and the notification was disabled, and the patch didn't apply...time to dig through logs.

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You can simply copy the hotfix into the Clienthotfix directories of your site Servers. https://sccmfaq.wordpress.com/2014/03/14/sccm-2012-r2-include-client-hotfix-or-cumulative-update-while-on-osd/

As he says, it's not supported but works pretty well.

Also Client push installations will apply the hotfix immediately.

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