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Win8.1 Windows Updates not properly installed

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i have sort of a very strange problem, maybe someone is able to help me or at least tip me into the right direction on what i am doing wrong.


We are running a SCCM2012 R2 CU3 environment. We deploy our Software and OS with it since Win7 without any issues. Now with Tablets emerging we obviously want to do the same here.

This is what we do (for Win7 and Win8.1 seperate TS):

  1. Build and capture refrence image with a reference task sequence on a VM
    • Apply Image from the original media from MVLS
    • remove some preloaded apps junk
    • install our corporate Software (Office, Reader, etc. ...)
    • apply all Windows Updates from our WSUS (not SCUP) (ZTI script from MDT Tool)
    • sysprep & capture the image
  2. distribute the Image and deploy through a different TS to our Systems

Now here is the Point, if i now deply the Win8.1 reference image to a machine (SurfaceP3 or VM) and go to Windows updates it will request you to install Windows updates again, even though they already seem to be installed from the reference sequence. I also tried using the Offline Serviceing through a SCUP, that successfully applied the WU and also stated in the console, but when deploy the Image Windows updates also prompt me to install all updates even already installed.


I also checked the eventvwr during the reference TS, it shows the Office Updates as installed successful and also Windows Updates as successful after a reboot has been done / what the script and the TS does anyways. I can also see the WIM file got quite bigger since the updates have been included (9+GB)


What am i doing wrong. Why has this worked before for Win7 like a charm? Where can i check what's going wrong? :(



Any help is appreciated!




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