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SCCM 2012 Capture image issue 0x80070035


I am very new to SCCM and am attempting to capture my first image but it keeps failing with the error 0x80070035 during the "capture the reference machine" process.


My reference PC is a standalone HP 800G1 running Windows 7 SP1 x64 PC in a workgroup and have created the boot image iso on a DVD. I run the tsmbautorun.exe which runs sysprep and reboots the PC, then capture process starts and fails with the “image capture wizard has failed with the error code (0x80070035)" error. From the research I've done, it looks like an authentication error but I cannot see where its failing. I have tried this several times using both my credentials and the admin credentials. Obviously I am missing something somewhere and its probably something basic. I have attached the smts.log file.


Does anyone have any ideas?


Thanks for your help!


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