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Windows 10 Updates Dual Scan Issue

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just wondered if anyone had seen this https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/windowsserver/2017/01/09/why-wsus-and-sccm-managed-clients-are-reaching-out-to-microsoft-online/


MS have released a hotfix for 1610 and the KB article https://support.microsoft.com/help/4010155 now states DO NOT set the defer updates GPO's as this bascially enables machines to use Windows Updates for Business so they will ignore SCCM and go to the internet for updates.


There is another article here confirming it as well (comments section) https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/askpfeplat/2017/02/21/identifying-waas-systems-using-config-manager/


So my question is how do you set up machines to be CB or CBB if you can't use the GPO?





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for now disable automatic access to Windows Updates features and Give me updates for other MS products when I update Windows and stick with cb for now and service it using task sequences.

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i'm assuming this is going to be fixed at somepoint?


I was wirting a plan for us to upgrade our infrastructure to CB, with the process for servicing windows 10, this has thrown it out of the Window for the time being and is not very helpful at all. Lucky I spotted it in our lab so going to have to re-write the plan for now.


Just out of interest how are you assigning machines to CB or CBB? our AD structure is all over the place as we are made up of 30-40 Business Units, each with their own OU that contains 'laptops' and 'workstations'. If we use the GPO to separate the machines it means either having to create a load more OU' ones for CB or CBB or create groups and add machiens to groups manually.


Are there any better ways? how are people doing it in the real world??

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