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SOLVED Installing .NET 3.5 inside TS with DISM

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I'm having issues installing this inside the TS for a windows 10 1709 WIM. I was trying to following these two posts to implement it with no luck. Here's a snipit of the smsts:

Cannot perform a cyclic copy

Failed to run the action: Copy Files. 
The system cannot open the file. (Error: 00000004; Source: Windows)    TSManager    5/16/2018 9:09:29 AM    1612 (0x064C)






Any idea?




Edited by rmags

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I have this working in my TS OSD. I setup mine differently than what you noted above.  Here is what I have:


1) Create a TS for the powershell ps1 file call

2) Create the TS for the OSD


Pics: location of 2 files; data in my ps1; TS for the OSD




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  1. Create a Package with the cab file
  2. Create a run Command Line Step
    1. Select the created Package
    2. Set as Command line:
      DISM.EXE /online /add-package /packagepath:.\relative\Path\to\dotNetFile.cab

(In this case the cab file is at the root directory of the package)


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