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I have troubles with PXE-boot.

My SCCM is version 1902.

My DP is setup to answer PXE (without WDS)

In my folder' structure I see that SMS_DP$, SMSPKG and SMSPKGC$ are empty

In the folder SMSPKGSIG a lot of .tar files and a lot of folders (ID's with versionnumbers)

In folder SMSSIG$ only .tar files

Is this right??

Or where are the bootstartup files should be located?




Best Regards


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In SMSPXE.log I see :

Client Boot TS reply: <ClientIDReply><Identification Unknown="0" DuplicateSMBIOS="0" DuplicateMACAddress="0" ItemKey="2046820352" ServerName=""><Machine><ClientID/><NetbiosName/></Machine></Identification><TSInfo DeploymentID="00720024" PkgID="00700037" BootImageID="00700033" Architecture="0" Required="1" AlreadyRun="0" ForPXE="1" Disabled="0" PackageAvailable="1" FutureAvailability="0" Expired="0" UEFIArchitectureMismatch="0" ArchitectureMismatch="0"/><TSInfo DeploymentID="00720023" PkgID="00700038" BootImageID="00700034" Architecture="9" Required="1" AlreadyRun="0" ForPXE="1" Disabled="0" PackageAvailable="1" FutureAvailability="0" Expired="0" UEFIArchitectureMismatch="0" ArchitectureMismatch="1"/></ClientIDReply>

PXE: 00:15:5D:CA:67:04: Task Sequence deployments:

PXE: 00:15:5D:CA:67:04:   00720024, 00700033, 32-bit, required, is valid. (this valid I think)

PXE: 00:15:5D:CA:67:04:   00720023, 00700034, 64-bit, required, is not compatible with the 32-bit client. Discarding from list.

PXE: 00:15:5D:CA:67:04: Using Task Sequence deployment 00720024.(start using task)

Operation: 2, Address type: 1, Address length: 6, Hop Count: 1, Transaction ID: 0467ca5e, Seconds since boot: 1024, Address: 00:15:5d:ca:67:04:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00, Host name: , Boot file name: smsboot\00700033\x86\wdsnbp.com, Client IP:, Host IP:, Server IP:, Relay IP:
53, 1:  05
54, 4:  0a 46 ca 3d
97, 17:  00 b3 56 df 6c c3 2c ca 40 87 62 f5 06 c9 b4 1b e2
60, 9:  50 58 45 43 6c 69 65 6e 74
250, 30:  02 01 01 05 04 00 00 00 00 03 02 00 14 04 02 00 ba 06 08 53 43 43 4d 20 50 58 45 0b 01 01

PXE: Sending reply to, DHCP.

Client Boot TS reply: <ClientIDReply><Identification Unknown="0" DuplicateSMBIOS="0" DuplicateMACAddress="0" ItemKey="2046820352" ServerName=""><Machine><ClientID/><NetbiosName/></Machine></Identification><TSInfo DeploymentID="00720024" PkgID="00700037" BootImageID="00700033" Architecture="0" Required="1" AlreadyRun="0" ForPXE="1" Disabled="0" PackageAvailable="1" FutureAvailability="0" Expired="0" UEFIArchitectureMismatch="0" ArchitectureMismatch="0"/><TSInfo DeploymentID="00720023" PkgID="00700038" BootImageID="00700034" Architecture="9" Required="1" AlreadyRun="0" ForPXE="1" Disabled="0" PackageAvailable="1" FutureAvailability="0" Expired="0" UEFIArchitectureMismatch="0" ArchitectureMismatch="1"/></ClientIDReply>


PXE: Sending reply to, PXE. (this is client)

PXE: Received packet from (DHCP, 00:15:5D:CA:67:02, (=SCCM)

Operation: 1, Address type: 1, Address length: 6, Hop Count: 0, Transaction ID: 0467ca5e, Seconds since boot: 0, Address: 00:15:5d:ca:67:04:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00, Host name: , Boot file name: , Client IP:, Host IP:, Server IP:, Relay IP:
53, 1:  07
54, 4:  0a 46 ca 3d
97, 17:  00 b3 56 df 6c c3 2c ca 40 87 62 f5 06 c9 b4 1b e2

PXE: : Packet message type is not a discover/solicit or request. Ignoring. (????)


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