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update package by not one but TWO schedules - possible or not?


Hello experts :)

So, I have a package which needs to be automatically updated the first of every month.

No big deal, just set the schedule and your done.


Now, the customer has got the bright idea that they want to schedule an update every sunday as well.

Is that even possible?


As far as I can see, you can't do it in the ordenary scheduler of the package so some out of the box thinking is probably needed.


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2 answers to this question

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Quite easy to do using Windows PowerShell and the WMI provider for SCCM:


# Populate these variables

$SccmServer = 'MySccmServer'

$SccmSiteCode = 'LAB'

$PackageID = 'LAB00023'

$MyPkg = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SccmServer -Namespace root\sms\site_$SccmSiteCode -Class SMS_Package -Filter "PackageID = '$PackageID'"


Now, schedule this to execute in the Windows task scheduler, using an account that has access to the SCCM Provider.



Trevor Sullivan



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