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Deploy package, but only copies half of the files?


I've been using SCCM 2007 for a while, and have created and sucessfully deployed over 25 packages to a range of XP and Windows 7 machines. I have created a new package that contains source files. I have done nothing different to my usual method, but this one is being weird. The package contains 6 directories and 4 files, one of which is the setup.msi


However, unlike my other packages, once the machine receives the advertisment, it begins to pull down the source files to C:\Windows\System32\CCM\Cache however, it only seems to copy down the 6 directories and seems to refuse to copy down the 4 individual files including the setup.msi


I have checked the space on C:\ and the size limitation with control panel > config mgr and its set to 5GB so there is plenty of space. Browsing in C:\Windows\System32\CCM\Cache I can see all the files/folders from my other packages.


Anyone got any ideas? Here's a snippet from an XP machine execmgr.log file


<![LOG[Policy arrived for parent package AGH00015 program Per-system unattended]LOG]!><time="11:37:29.410+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="1756" file="execreqmgr.cpp:6456">

<![LOG[Raising event:

[sMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(2057)]

instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent


AdvertisementId = "AGH20017";

ClientID = "GUID:6A7C8BB6-C6AF-4F9D-80DA-C5C7B6C615E3";

DateTime = "20110621103729.441000+000";

MachineName = "JAMESXP";

ProcessID = 1856;

SiteCode = "AGH";

ThreadID = 1756;


]LOG]!><time="11:37:29.441+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="1756" file="event.cpp:525">

<![LOG[successfully submitted event to the Status Agent.]LOG]!><time="11:37:29.441+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="0" thread="1756" file="event.cpp:543">

<![LOG[Requesting content from CAS for package AGH00015 version 2]LOG]!><time="11:37:29.759+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2512" file="contentaccesshelper.cpp:138">

<![LOG[successfully created a content request handle {E09C7D7F-D011-4ED2-A9A2-F59D5104A241} for the package AGH00015 version 2]LOG]!><time="11:37:29.838+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2512" file="contentaccesshelper.cpp:216">

<![LOG[Program Per-system unattended change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content in progress]LOG]!><time="11:37:29.838+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="2" thread="2512" file="executionrequest.cpp:3670">

<![LOG[Execution Request for package AGH00015 program Per-system unattended state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownload]LOG]!><time="11:37:29.838+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2512" file="executionrequest.cpp:488">

<![LOG[Mandatory execution requested for program Per-system unattended and advertisement AGH20017]LOG]!><time="11:37:29.838+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2836" file="execreqmgr.cpp:3317">

<![LOG[Creating mandatory request for advert AGH20017, program Per-system unattended, package AGH00015]LOG]!><time="11:37:29.838+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2836" file="execreqmgr.cpp:3440">

<![LOG[Raising event:

[sMS_CodePage(850), SMS_LocaleID(2057)]

instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent


AdvertisementId = "AGH20017";

ClientID = "GUID:6A7C8BB6-C6AF-4F9D-80DA-C5C7B6C615E3";

DateTime = "20110621103730.013000+000";

MachineName = "JAMESXP";

PackageName = "AGH00015";

PackageVersion = "2";

ProcessID = 1856;

ProgramName = "Per-system unattended";

SiteCode = "AGH";

ThreadID = 2836;


]LOG]!><time="11:37:30.029+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2836" file="event.cpp:525">

<![LOG[successfully submitted event to the Status Agent.]LOG]!><time="11:37:30.029+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="0" thread="2836" file="event.cpp:543">

<![LOG[successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program Per-system unattended]LOG]!><time="11:37:30.029+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2836" file="executionrequest.cpp:2623">

<![LOG[Execution Request for package AGH00015 program Per-system unattended state change from WaitingDependency to WaitingContent]LOG]!><time="11:37:30.029+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2836" file="executionrequest.cpp:488">

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4 answers to this question

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Yes, the only thing that relates to this package is the following:


<![LOG[Location update from CTM for content AGH00015.2 and request {E09C7D7F-D011-4ED2-A9A2-F59D5104A241}]LOG]!><time="12:28:30.214+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="ContentAccess" context="" type="1" thread="916" file="downloadcontentrequest.cpp:969">

<![LOG[Download location found 0 - http://CONFIGMGR-SRV1/SMS_DP_SMSPKGS$/AGH00015/]LOG]!><time="12:28:30.214+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="ContentAccess" context="" type="1" thread="916" file="downloadcontentrequest.cpp:977">

<![LOG[Download location found 1 - \\CONFIGMGR-SRV1\SMSPKGS$\AGH00015\]LOG]!><time="12:28:30.214+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="ContentAccess" context="" type="1" thread="916" file="downloadcontentrequest.cpp:977">

<![LOG[Download request only, ignoring location update]LOG]!><time="12:28:30.214+-60" date="06-21-2011" component="ContentAccess" context="" type="1" thread="916" file="downloadcontentrequest.cpp:983">


Don't see anything in there that would stop the download, or typically stop the files and not directories?

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Yes I can copy the files down manually from the DP. Have a look at this screenshot:




As you can see, the source files are on the DP, yet when they copy down, it egnores the individual files and just copies the directories. I have tried deleting and re-creating the package/program/advertisment but still no luck


Really annoying this now!

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