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How do you do.......


I am trying to create a .WIM file that I can capture and then send off to a vendor. I ran a task sequence that installed the Windows 7 OS and some applications but I Disabled the "join network". I then made some Mods to the machine that needed to be done for the vendor.

So the machine is in a workgroup. When I log onto the target machine I notice that the Configuration Manager icon in Control Panel is Not assigned to a Site. And if I pick "discover" it fails. I assume this is because it is not part of a domain?


And if it's not assigned to a site how can I capture the machine into a .wim file? I need to capture it while it is NOT part of a domain.


And this is using SCCM 2007 R3



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I did read this link: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb632465.aspx and it says the machine can not be joined to a domain. And since my machine is not part of a domain it never ran an inventory so it does not show up in any colllection. In fact, in the Configuration Manager icon in control panel I only see 2 things under the Actions Tab (machine policy and user policy retrieval)


So how do you capture this machine when its not part of the domain?

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hello, I'm currently working on the same scenario, this is what I do:

install windows7, boot in audit mode

customize the installation with applications, specifig config etc

the machine is not in the domain, nor the sccm client installed on it

once I'm done with the customization, I capture it using the "capture media" included in sccm (right click on task sequence > create task sequence media>capture media"

you'll have a iso file, you can burn it and launch it (you can't boot on it), it will capture your installation and create a wim for you


After that I import the wim file, and include it in my task sequence.


good luck!

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Yes, I did a Capture Boot Media too. That seems to be the only way. But it still dies. Can you post your Capture Task Sequence? here is mine. Am I missing anything?


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<SmsTaskSequencePackage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


<Category />

<DependentProgram />

<Description />





<sequence version="3.00">

<group name="Error Catching Top" description="">

<group name="Capture 8200" description="">

<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_PrepareOSAction" name="Prepare Windows for Capture" description="" runIn="FullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>osdprepareos.exe /activate:%OSDKeepActivation% /bmsd:%OSDBuildStorageDriverList%</action>


<variable name="OSDBuildStorageDriverList" property="BuildStorageDriverList">false</variable>

<variable name="OSDKeepActivation" property="KeepActivation">false</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_CaptureSystemImageAction" name="Capture Operating System Image" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0">



<variable name="OSDCaptureDestination" property="CaptureDestination">\\OurServer\d$\WIM\Windows 7\hp8200fat.wim</variable>

<variable name="OSDCaptureAccountPassword" property="CapturePassword">


<variable name="OSDCaptureAccount" property="CaptureUsername">na\MyAdminID</variable>

<variable name="OSDImageCreator" property="ImageCreator">


<variable name="OSDImageDescription" property="ImageDescription">


<variable name="OSDImageVersion" property="ImageVersion">






<group name="Error Catching Bottom" description="">

<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ConnectNetworkFolderAction" name="Connect to Network Folder" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0">

<action>smsnetuse.exe %SMSConnectNetworkFolderPath%</action>


<variable name="SMSConnectNetworkFolderDriveLetter" property="DriveLetter">O:</variable>

<variable name="SMSConnectNetworkFolderPassword" property="Password">


<variable name="SMSConnectNetworkFolderPath" property="Path">\\OurServer\d$\TSErrorLogs</variable>

<variable name="SMSConnectNetworkFolderAccount" property="Username">na\MyAdminID</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" name="create log folder for target machine" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"

successCodeList="0 3010">

<action>smsswd.exe /run: cmd.exe /c md O:\%_SMSTSMACHINENAME%</action>


<variable name="CommandLine" property="CommandLine" hidden="true">cmd.exe /c md O:\%_SMSTSMACHINENAME%</variable>

<variable name="SMSTSDisableWow64Redirection" property="DisableWow64Redirection">false</variable>

<variable name="_SMSTSRunCommandLineAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>

<variable name="SuccessCodes" property="SuccessCodes" hidden="true">0 3010</variable>



<step type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" name="copy logs to folder" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0 3010">

<action>smsswd.exe /run: cmd.exe /c copy %_SMSTSLOGPATH%\*.* O:\%_SMSTSMACHINENAME%</action>


<variable name="CommandLine" property="CommandLine" hidden="true">cmd.exe /c copy %_SMSTSLOGPATH%\*.* O:\%_SMSTSMACHINENAME%</variable>

<variable name="SMSTSDisableWow64Redirection" property="DisableWow64Redirection">false</variable>

<variable name="_SMSTSRunCommandLineAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>

<variable name="SuccessCodes" property="SuccessCodes" hidden="true">0 3010</variable>







<SupportedOperatingSystems />



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hi, I don't have a "capture" TS

I use the iso created via right click on task sequence > create task sequence media>capture media" (3rd choice)

And then I run the cd directly from the live OS (it starts the sms\bin\i386\tsmbautorun.exe)

(so I'm not using the guide here on windows noob to capture the installation, right?)


see here if it can help




As I said, I don't have sccm client on the machine at this point, I'll install it later via a task sequence once the computer is in our network.


Hope this can help.

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Have a quick question regarding Image deployment. Once our image is captured with our "tailoring of items", minor things like fonts and small applicaitons, when a deploy occurs, and the machine is joined to the domain (automatically), all of the custom settings are lost. It does not retain the settings we've adjusted prior to the capture / deploy. What am I missing / forgetting. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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