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How can I install Dell DFEP?


I'm facing a bizarre problem. The first application that won't install and I don't see how to resolve it


I have Dell DFEP (LINK) APP_WIN_R312094.EXE which I'm trying to install.


I tested 2 methods, a simple batchfile and a direct command inside the program.




Program name Install -> cmd /c install.cmd


@echo off

taskkill /t /f /im DCPSysMgr.exe > NUL 2>&1
taskkill /t /f /im DCPSysMgrSvc.exe > NUL 2>&1

REM Remove Dell Feature Enhancement Pack and all its features
start /wait APP_WIN_R312094.exe /passthrough /qn REMOVE=ALL

taskkill /t /f /im DCPSysMgr.exe > NUL 2>&1
taskkill /t /f /im DCPSysMgrSvc.exe > NUL 2>&1

REM Install Dell Feature Enhancement Pack with all features using the Silent install
start /wait APP_WIN_R312094.exe /passthrough RUNTIME_LANGID=1033 /qn /l*v "C:\Windows\temp\dfep.log" ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=TOUCH


I first uninstall


Direct command-line


Program name Install2 -> APP_WIN_R312094.EXE /s





If I go and look in the logs:



The program for advertisement "AMR209F0" failed ("AMR002B7" - "install"). A failure exit code of 1603 was returned. User context: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Possible cause: Systems Management Server (SMS) determines status for each program it executes. If SMS cannot find or correlate any installation status Management Information Format (MIF) files for the program, it uses the program's exit code to determine status. An exit code of 1603 is considered a failure. Solution: For more information on the exit code, refer to the documentation for the program you are distributing.



The program for advertisement "AMR209F0" failed ("AMR002B7" - "install2"). A failure exit code of 1 was returned. User context: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Possible cause: Systems Management Server (SMS) determines status for each program it executes. If SMS cannot find or correlate any installation status Management Information Format (MIF) files for the program, it uses the program's exit code to determine status. An exit code of 1 is considered a failure. Solution: For more information on the exit code, refer to the documentation for the program you are distributing.

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