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deployed computer remains unknown

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Duplicate entries are normal, because SCCM will create a new object during OSD (different hardware ID). The obsolete object will be deleted automatically, if the client has been registered correctly before in SCCM. If not you have to delete the outdated entry manually.

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You're welcome.


This depends on the schedule of your maintanance tasks and on the update cycle of your collections. Usually it's no problem though, because the old record is set to obseolete and will be delete according to your maintanance task (if its is configured?). Check the default values and lower them if needed. Update cycles for collections can be set to 1 hour without problems (default is 1 day). Don't know the default value for the cleanup task now. But the default is usually OK.

You should check for invalid duplicate entries now and then though. They may be imported through the AD discovery. Happens pretty often for laptops in our environment when they have not been deployed with SCCM OSD. After a half year of travelling around the world they come back and get reimaged, but the old record stays forever until it gets deleted manually.

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found description of the problem




So i received duplicate record because i had these OU


- OFFICE1 (inside department OU)

- OFFICE2 (inside department OU)



Deployed PC go in DEPLOY OU. Active directory System discovery was set to these 3 OU so a record was created by this and another by hearthbeat discovery.


Now i have deselected AD system discovery on DEPLOY OU so duplicated pc are avoided.


The problem is: after a new pc is deployed i need to manual perform a cycle to make pc appears in asset.


What's the best way to avoid this?

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Solved, i disabled Active directory system discovery and added to task sequence this script to forc a cycle



actionNameToRun = "Request & Evaluate Machine Policy"


Dim controlPanelAppletManager

Set controlPanelAppletManager = CreateObject("CPApplet.CPAppletMgr")

Dim clientActions

Set clientActions = controlPanelAppletManager.GetClientActions()

Dim clientAction

For Each clientAction In clientActions

If clientAction.Name = actionNameToRun Then


End If



Now works like a charm. Thanks to everyone!

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