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Currently using Config manager 2012 and clients are running windows 7 enterprise 64bit.

The new computers have been created in AD via a powershell script and imported into config manager. Computers have been allocated into collections to specify which software they receive. Within these collections there are collection variables assigned that are used within the task sequence to determine if software in installed or not.

when we start imaging we enter the computer name that matches the name within Config manager.

Problem: Whenever the new computers are imaged they do not recognize the collection variables set so the software does not install. Then once the client registers with the config manager server it removes it is removed from all collection that it was previously allocated.

Can clients that do not have an active status hold a collection variable?

Why are they being removed from collections when the Config manager client registers with the server?

How can this problem be resolved without imaging the same computer twice and forcing a refresh of the collection memberships??

Can you force a client heartbeat discovery during a task sequence before software is installed??

Any other suggestions on solving this problem would be greatly appreciated

How do i get unknown computers to receive collection variables if they call into collections?

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Problem: Whenever the new computers are imaged they do not recognize the collection variables set so the software does not install. Then once the client registers with the config manager server it removes it is removed from all collection that it was previously allocated.


Are you directly adding PCs to collections? Probably better for your situation to use a query rule to query the collection specific OU in AD. This way the systems will always stay in their collections in the console even after imaging.



Within these collections there are collection variables assigned that are used within the task sequence to determine if software in installed or not.

when we start imaging we enter the computer name that matches the name within Config manager.


Why do you have to add the computer names again if they are already in the configMgr DB....this should not be the case...they should hold onto their names even after OSD...

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This problem has been resolved.

The method i was trying to use to fix this problem was not the correct way to go about it. To get around this issue i had to change my approach so that instead of relying on Config manager to provide the Collection Variables, i needed a script to contact AD directly and return the collection variable to the task sequence.

To do this i followed this guide.



No need to update collections. The software retrieved straight from the source.

If anyone has any questions about this process i would be happy to help.

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