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Applications not selectable (hidden) in TS "Applications"

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Hi All,

I have a bit of a problem in that I have some Applications that work fine, they deploy where they are meant to and everything is good.


However - I cannot select them in "Install Application" in a Task Sequence.





Pic 1.jpg shows it in "Application Management" - in this case "Adobe CS6.0 Base Package (64-bit)"

*there are other missing programs too


Pic 2.jpg show's me trying to select it in a TS "Install Application" - it just doesn't exist!


For some time I have been a little bit suspect of our DB........is there anything I can do for a full check?


Is anyone able to explain why this could be happening?





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My apologies,

Thats what was puzzling, I did have the "Allow this application to be installed from the Install Application task sequence action without being deployed." checked.

However in "Deployment Types" under "User experience" I had Install for System with a logon requirement of Only when a user is logged on. This needs to be changed to Whether or not a user is logged on.

This had the side-effect of making it not appear at all when selecting a program for a task sequence.

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