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Step 2 Configuring SCDPM


How to setup a client and backup using System Center Data Protection Manager


First Step is to add a client this is found under the management option and under the Agent Tab



Click Action and then install



You then see the computers in your list that you can deploy the client to.



select the clients and click the add button.

After selecting the clients then click next



enter administrator username and password



You'll notice here I got an error saying it couldnt connect to the test machine

I updated the DNS server only before deploying SCDPM this had the DPM server looking for the box elsewhere

I could ping the server and remote desktop to it and connect using the UNC path but it just took a few minutes to find it again.

I continued the installation of the client with just the one server.



Click to restart the machine top option and then click next to continue



Click Install to continue



Click Close to continue



You will Notice the Agent is now installed on the Server

Click options on the right hand side



Unfortunately I forgot to screenshot the box after I preped active directory and typically once you do it you cant undo it and do it again. But when you first go in the box isnt greyed out and you click the box enter your domain username and password and click ok.



I asigned the licenses we have for the product this is not necessary to complete the configuration you update the licences by clicking the button the right hand pane.



In Management Click on Disks then click on the Add button on the right hand pane. If you dont have a seperate partition this screen will not populate. ie. a (D,E,F) Drive..



Choose the disk you want to add to DPM and click the Add button



Once you're happy with your choice click the OK button



The Disk will be imported into DPM



Then click on the protection Tab this tells you if you try to create a protection Group without adding the disks the config will fail.



Apply the Fix Windowsserver2003-kb903234-x86-Enu.exe to the Servers your trying to backup



Click Next



This is where you choose the machines to be backed up.



If you dont apply the Fix Windowsserver2003-kb903234-x86-Enu.exe to the Servers your trying to backup the installation will fail.



The Fix is the prerequisite you are missing but it takes a few minutes after installing the patch before the machine will pick it up. This caught me off gaurd.



You see the shares you want to backup



For this case I will choose to backup the system state of DG-TestVM02



I should have named this System State backup DG-TestVM02.



The default setting is 5 but I changed this to 2 for one reason its a test system and I dont have the space.



I included this slide to show you what happens if you ignore the steps. If you try modify.



I included this slide to show you what happens if you ignore the steps. If you dont add disks from the above slides you can't complete the config obvious you say.. well maybe I'm the only one who made this mistake :)



You can change this config if you like I just left it to automatically replicate as I've no bandwidth problems in a test enviornment



Click Create Group



This config takes moments



Click Close



You now see the system State being replicated



This took about 5 minutes to replicate fully




I hope you have found this How To helpful I will do a restore and post that also.


Please leave feedback positive or negative I hope to learn from this experience.


Thank you all for reading.

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