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How to create TS standalone media with some package with a size greater than 8.5 Gb ?

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Hi everyone,


I'm trying to create standalone media (iso 8.5 Gb) from a task sequence with a 10Gb core image wim file and some packages to be installed after core image is apply.


One of the package that need to be installed after the core image as a size greater then 8.5 Gb...so the standalone media creation failed and says that this package is too big.... (but the core image wim can be include in the media because SCCM cut the wim in multi wim files.


Is there a way to create a standalone media (in sccm2007) with package size greater than 8.5 Gb ?

Is there a way to create an iso media greater then 8.5 gb in SCCM 2007 ?

Is there a way to create a standalone media with a command line (like SCCM2012 and his createmedia.exe) ?

If I try to create an USB media (on a 64 Gb usb key) with my sccm 2007 admin console ... this time the package with huge size of source will be proceed but there is a trouble with the core image wim that is greater than 4.5 Gb (and that doesn't work because SCCM format the key in fat32....).


Has anyone a idea or a solution (microsoft or non microsoft suported solution) to do that ? (but the solution is not to migrate (now) my SCCM 2007 production environment to SCCM2012 :-) ).


Thanks to everyone who can help !!


And happy new year 2014 for everyone !!!



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