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Force system restart after Windows updates instalation

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We are deploying Windows updates to our servers in a controlled manner and require a restart after instalation even if the update itself doesn't require the restart. We have a software update package built and deploy the updates out to a collection but cannot see a force reboot option in the deploy software updates wizard. There is of course the tick box for "Syetem restart (If necessary)" however we would like to make the reboot mandatory once all available updates are deployed.


What would be the best way to ensure this happens?



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Thank you for the reply - I have looked into using the task sequence and set it going for three test servers over the weekend and it appears that the task sequence was executed and ran as I wanted which is fab.


However, there is one thing I do not understand. The task sequence can only deploy updates which are already made available to the collection and as I underestand it to make them available to a given collection I would right click the software update package and click deploy. This then takes me through the deployment wizard asking for a date/time to deploy etc... How do I ensure that the updates are only installed by the task sequence and not the auto deployment via available updates?


Many Thanks for your time.

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