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Posts posted by conorofarrell

  1. Hi


    We recently rolled out a bunch of Windows 10 1607 machines, but during the TS we had removed the Windows Photos App.  We have since realised that this was a mistake and want to reinstall it on the affected machines.

    I have spent the past week trying to figure out how to do this using Add-AppxPackage & add AppXProvisioned package, but to no avail.  Get-AppxPackage does returns a list of apps, but Photos isn't one of them, so I cannot pull the install location of the package from there (as is suggested by most of the internet).  I have also reied using the location in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps, but I have getting some sort of prerequisite error.  VCLibs appear to be installed, so it cannot be that.

    Does anyone have any idea how to do this?

    Many thanks


  2. Thanks Garth


    This more or less confirms what MS told me, including the fact that the certificates and registry keys relevant to Intune are not backed up.


    My big concern here is, if I have to do this, what happens all my enrolled devices. Do they all need to be re-enrolled? MS seems to think so, which leaves a big gap to bring in 1000+ devices.


    Thanks again for the info


  3. Hello


    Does anyone have any experience with restoring ConfigMgr with Intune Hybrid? I would like to know if I need to reinstall the Intune connector and re-enrol all my devices.


    I've had a call with MS about it and they tell me that it has never been tested, and is not supported as result. It seems crazy to me that this scenario has never come up before




  4. Hi Airka


    Glad to hear go got it working. be sure to update with any findings.


    As an update to my earlier post, I did fond that my Task Sequences no longer showed any errors, once I integrated MDT correctly.


    I have read that if you use a side-by-side migration, that you can not migrate the collections. Can anyone confirm this, or offer a solution?


  5. Hi

    I am looking for a good way to run a script in powershell, to detect my site from an XML. We are currently using MDT to do this, but we cannot be completely automated due to the fact that we often build our machines on a central site and ship them out. This this end, I am putting together an XML file to pull the default settings as below. I'm happy with the 2nd (locale)section and how I can use it, I'm not sure how to approach the first section, pulling the gateway out and assigning the 3 letter site code. We have a lot of subnets of each site, so if I can list all the subnets, then assign the site code, that's how I would do it.

    My XML file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    			<TimeZoneName>GMT Standard Time</TimeZoneName>
    			<TimeZoneName>W. Europe Standard Time</TimeZoneName>

    This is my Powershell script. Obviously, I've trimmed it back to just echo the results od the OSDSystemLocale to the console before creating my full-on Task Sequence script:

    [xml]$ConfigFile = Get-Content "c:\temp\Settings.xml"
    $IPConfig = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
    $DEFGateway = ''
    $DefaultGateway = @{
        OSDSite = $Configfile.Settings.DefaultGateway.$DEFGateway.Site
    $LocaleSettings = @{
        OSDSite = $Configfile.Settings.Location.$SITE.Site
        OSDTimeZoneName = $Configfile.Settings.Location.$SITE.TimeZoneName
        OSDKeyboardLocale = $Configfile.Settings.Location.$SITE.KeyboardLocale
        OSDInputLocale = $Configfile.Settings.Location.$SITE.InputLocale
        OSDUserLocale = $Configfile.Settings.Location.$SITE.UserLocale
        OSDUILanguage = $Configfile.Settings.Location.$SITE.UILanguage
        OSDCountryCode = $Configfile.Settings.Location.$SITE.CountryCode
        OSDSystemLocale = $Configfile.Settings.Location.$SITE.SystemLocale
    	Write-Host $LocaleSettings.OSDSystemLocale

    Any tips on how I could/should do this? I'm deliberately trying to avoid the MDT database, due to the amount of manual changes we end up performing on it. I have a feeling I may end up falling back on it for the site detection at least. I'm just trying to automate as much as I can, but still give the tech a time limited option with a posh script to select an alternative site.






  6. Hi


    I attempted this in my lab yesterday. I ran into some issues due to the SQL version (2008), also my OS was 2008R2, which wasn't ideal. Anyway, I had some big problems trying to upgrade SQL, so I decided to change the approach - I decided to run a site restore instead. I will itemise my steps below. Please excuse if there is anything I missed, as I am typing this from memory.

    So my existing ConfigMgr VM looked like this:

    • Win 2008 R2
    • SQL 2008
    • ConfigMgr 2012 R2 SP1
    • MDT 2013 Update 1


    • I backed up my DB via site maintenance. If you want the most current backup, go to your system services and run the SMS_SITE_BACKUP and wait for it to complete before copying the files to an accessible share.
    • If you store your Sources folder on the same site server, make sure you copy it to an accessible location also.
    • It may be also worthwhile backing up your WSUS and MDT databases. *Note, I did not do this myself, so not sure if it is recommended or necessary. I can see the benefit of backup the MDT more than WSUS.
    • Backup any custom reports you may have, and copy them to an accessible network location. I have found ReportSync useful in the past. *Note, I did not try this during this test as I did not have any custom reports on my test server.
    • Disconnect the VM from the network, or power it down completely. I left mine online with disconnected NIC, in case I needed to reference anything



    • I built up a new VM with the same name and spec as the original, but using Win2012R2 and SQL2012 (I didn't have a copy of SQL2014 handy)
    • Joined the domain. I did not use the same IP address, although you may prefer to.
    • Copy sources files back to same location on the server and share out with same permissions. Obviously, as long as the path to the sources folder is the same as the original, then you can actually store them anywhere on the server and share from there.
    • I then used the ConfigMgr Prerequisites Tool (https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/ConfigMgr-2012-R2-e52919cd) to install prepare the machine for ConfigMgr install.
    • Make sure to also install ADK 10 using the PreRequisite tool
    • Installed SQL 2012 manually. You can also use Niall's script provided here: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/topic/13368-how-can-i-install-system-center-configuration-manager-current-branch/
    • Because my ConfigMgr version was 2012 R2 SP1, which means that I could not run a recovery directly in 1511. I had to first recover into version 2012 SP2, using the SC2012_SP2_Configmgr_SCEP, available here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-system-center-2012-configuration-manager-and-endpoint-protection . If you are currently running an older version you will need to recover to that first, then upgrade to ConfigMgr 2012 R1 SP1 or ConfigMgr 2012 SP2.
    • Unfortunately I did not record my recovery steps, but it is fairly straightforward to do a site recovery if you are familiar with ConfigMgr in any way.
    • Once the recovery was complete, I was then able to perform the upgrade. Again, I did not record the steps, but it was easy enough once you have already gone through Niall's guidelines in his main post.

    So far, everything looks good. I have noticed some minor issues browsing through my existing task sequences, but I suspect this could be due to the fact that I have not configured MDT yet.


    EDIT: Nickolaj A has a good write-up on the upgrade process here: http://www.scconfigmgr.com/2015/12/04/upgrade-to-configmgr-1511-in-your-hierarchy/


    I hope this helps. I will update this post on any further findings as I come across them.


    • Like 1
  7. Thanks Peter


    I was able to apply the setting from the XML file eventually. I think my issue was 1 of 2 things:

    • either I did not have the phone in supervised mode correctly
    • or it was something to do with the "deployment time" bug in SCCM 2012 R2 SP1.

    I suspect it was the latter because, I'm 99% sure I did have it in supervised mode correctly.


    Thanks again


  8. Hi


    I am trying to manage my IOS devices with Intune and I want to lockdown the likes of iMessage, Facetime etc. I have found the relevant OMA setting (allowChat) on the Apple developer site (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/featuredarticles/iPhoneConfigurationProfileRef/Introduction/Introduction.html), but I am unsure of how to add this setting to the Configuration Item. I have tried using an OMA URI setting with the "allowChat" and "False" rule, but to no avail. Is there a longer string I need to use? Is this not possible on IOS (I suspect this is the answer, but hope not)? The deployment monitor just tells me that the device is non compliant.


    Is it possible to achieve what I'm trying to do or am I wasting my time?




  9. Hi


    I would like to monitor the deployment of machine and task sequences using Thomas Larsen's very nice report(http://larsenconfigmgr.blogspot.no/2014/10/Keep-track-OS-Deployments-Part-2.html), but any report I have tried is coming back blank. When I run a "select *" query on the DB directly, I can see there is no info recorded in the TaskExecutionStatus table or the v_TaskExecutionStatus view. This is where the report is pulling its info from.


    Is there some component that needs to be selected for this table to be used? I cannot find any relevant errors in the logs that might explain what's happening.



  10. Hi


    Due to some unforeseen circumstances I had to rebuild my secondary site. I lost the DB from the secondary site and had no backups. Before I rebuilt it I had to add my DPs that were on the secondary site to my primary site so that I could keep things up and running.


    Is there a way that I can now move some of my DPs back to my secondary without doing a complete rebuild of them? There is a considerable amount of data on them that I do not want to repush across WAN links.



  11. Hi


    I have a number of ADRs set up. I can see which collection they are associated with, but I cannot find which Deployment Package they are associated with. Also, it's the same for Software Update Groups. I cannot see where I can find the coaction between them and deployment packages. Even though when I setup either of these, I must specify a Deployment Package.

    Am I missing something here?


  12. Thanks Jorgen


    That's exactly what I was looking for. My sticking point was in how to extend the HW inventory, but I managed to figure it out. It does seem to take a while before the HW inventory pulls the data into the DB though. I've not seen it pop in yet.


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