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Posts posted by jorlando

  1. I have a small air-gap network that we do not do operating system deployments on. When I run the 1511 upgrade (Base build needed before 1607) it fails to find MDT and ADK. This of course is expected. I try to not install things I don't need, so I would like to skip the check and install 1511 anyway.


    If my memory is correct, in the past I could skip the checker or proceed despite failures. Anyone have any ideas outside of just installing MDT and ADK?



  2. This does not seem like a good way to deploy a package. If I read this correctly, you deployed a package and expect it to fail until the machine eventually gets the required prerequisites? Why not create an application that has the prerequisites as dependencies? Or there is an option to run another program first (Package not application side).


    Even using a batch file to install things one at a time sounds better than the proposed solution.


    However, if you must use the model you have proposed what is the schedule set to? If the schedule simply says "as soon as possible" it will only run once. You need to tell it to run weekly, or daily, or whatever you desire. Some other considerations would be if you are using maintenance windows. The program run time may exceed the window?

  3. I have updates made available to machine in my OSD Collection. However, the install updates task sequence step seems to do nothing. It acts like there are no updates available or required.



    From the ts log:


    Successfully initiated RefreshUpdates operation InstallSWUpdate 3/3/2016 5:54:30 PM 3316 (0x0CF4)

    RefreshUpdates operation has already completed InstallSWUpdate 3/3/2016 5:54:30 PM 3316 (0x0CF4)

    No updates need to be installed on this machine. InstallSWUpdate 3/3/2016 5:54:30 PM 3316 (0x0CF4)

    Process completed with exit code 0 TSManager 3/3/2016 5:54:30 PM 2164 (0x0874)

    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! TSManager 3/3/2016 5:54:30 PM 2164 (0x0874)

    Successfully completed the action (Install Software Updates) with the exit win32 code 0 TSManager 3/3/2016 5:54:30 PM 2164 (0x0874)



    Less than 1 second. How are you guys handling this step?



  4. For "or" situations I have found it is best to just create two separate membership rules.


    Rule 1:"Installed Applications.Display Name" like '%java 8'

    Rule 2: "Installed Applications(64).Display Name" like '%java 8%'


    As a bonus, after using the CE Viewer for a few years I found that this really speeds up the evaluation times.

  5. Assuming the programs run under system context? User will not have permission to C;\windows. Does \\mysccmserver file share give every machine account permission to the files?


    You could just put a copy of connect.ini & sims.ini in the application content source. Then you would just need to change the bat file to (this way the ini files will just be in the working directory) :


    del "C:\WINDOWS\sims.ini"

    if not exist "c:\program files\sims\sims .net\connect.ini" copy /y "connect.ini" "c:\program files (x86)\sims\"

    if not exist "C:\WINDOWS\sims.ini" copy /y "sims.ini" "C:\WINDOWS\"

  6. I bet Garth is correct. Those six machines are probably in a collection with power management settings. This sql query might help you track down what collection those machines have in common:


    dbo.v_Collection C
    join dbo.v_FullCollectionMembership FCM on C.CollectionID = FCM.CollectionID
    FCM.Name = '<name>'

    order by c.Name

    • Like 1
  7. I have a fairly simple boundary setup. I have a primary site and a secondary site. I have setup two boundary groups, and they are both based on AD Site boundaries. What I would like to do it create a 3rd IP based boundary for a room that is going to be used to only build new/incoming computers. I have setup a DP in that room with the idea that content transfer will be much faster if the DP is only 1 hop away.


    Reviewing logs from some test builds I am seeing that the clients are randomly selecting DP's in two different boundaries. 1 AD Boundary Group and the new IP Boundary group. These are new machines not yet in AD, so I was expecting them to only pull content based on the IP boundary group.


    Any suggestions on how to get clients to pull content from the DP in that same room? The idea is that once the build is complete and delivered to the end-user the IP will change and will fall out of the IP address boundary group.


    Thoughts? Suggestions?



  8. If this is the issue you could manage those settings with a Configuration Item. Here is the Detection Script:

    $nics = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter -filter "AdapterTypeID = '0' `
    AND PhysicalAdapter = 'true' `
    AND NOT Description LIKE '%Centrino%' `
    AND NOT Description LIKE '%wireless%' `
    AND NOT Description LIKE '%WiFi%' `
    AND NOT Description LIKE '%Virtual%' `
    AND NOT Description LIKE '%Bluetooth%'"

    foreach ($nic in $nics)
    $nicName = $nic.Name

    $nicPower = Get-WmiObject MSPower_DeviceEnable -Namespace root\wmi | where {$_.instancename -match [regex]::escape($nic.PNPDeviceID) }

    $nicPowerWake = Get-WmiObject MSPower_DeviceWakeEnable -Namespace root\wmi | where {$_.instancename -match [regex]::escape($nic.PNPDeviceID) }


    if ($nicpower.Enable -eq 'True' -and $nicpowerwake.Enable -eq 'True')
    Write-Host "Detected"



    And remediation:


    $nics = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter -filter "AdapterTypeID = '0' `
    AND PhysicalAdapter = 'true' `
    AND NOT Description LIKE '%Centrino%' `
    AND NOT Description LIKE '%wireless%' `
    AND NOT Description LIKE '%WiFi%' `
    AND NOT Description LIKE '%Virtual%' `
    AND NOT Description LIKE '%Bluetooth%'"

    foreach ($nic in $nics)

    $nicName = $nic.Name

    $nicPower = Get-WmiObject MSPower_DeviceEnable -Namespace root\wmi | where {$_.instancename -match [regex]::escape($nic.PNPDeviceID) }
    $nicPower.Enable = $True

    $nicPowerWake = Get-WmiObject MSPower_DeviceWakeEnable -Namespace root\wmi | where {$_.instancename -match [regex]::escape($nic.PNPDeviceID) }
    $nicPowerWake.Enable = $True

    $nicMagicPacket = Get-WmiObject MSNdis_DeviceWakeOnMagicPacketOnly -Namespace root\wmi | where {$_.instancename -match [regex]::escape($nic.PNPDeviceID) }
    $nicMagicPacket.EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly = $False

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