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Posts posted by Dennis

  1. Im trying to set that USMT don't migrate network printers ++ some more settings I dont want to get migrated when I upgrade to windows 7.



    This is an optional file that you can create using the /genconfig option on the ScanState command line. You should create and modify this file if you want to exclude certain components from the migration. In addition, you must create and modify this file if you want to exclude any of the operating system settings that are migrated to computers running Windows Vista (because MigSys.xml is not applicable in that scenario). This file has a different format than the migration .xml files because it does not contain any migration rules — it only contains a list of the operating system components, applications, and the user documents that can be migrated. For an example, see the Sample Config.xml file. For this reason, excluding components using this file is easier than modifying the migration .xml files because you do not need to be familiar with the migration rules and syntax. You cannot use wildcard characters in this file.


    If you want to include all of the default components, you do not need to create this file. Alternatively, if you are satisfied with the default migration behavior defined in MigSys.xml, MigApp.xml, and MigUser.xml, and you only want to exclude some components, you can create and modify a Config.xml and leave the other .xml files as is.


    When you run /genconfig, ScanState reads the other .xml files (that you specify using /i) and the manifests to create a custom list of components that can be migrated from the computer. This file will only contain operating system components, applications and the user document sections that are in both the .xml files and installed on the computer when you run /genconfig. Therefore, you should create this file on a source computer that contains all the components, applications and settings that will be present on the destination computers. This will ensure that this file contains every component that can be migrated. The components are organized into sections: <Applications>, <WindowsComponents>, and <Documents>. To choose not to migrate a component, simply change its entry to migrate="no".


    After you create this file, you only need to specify it on the ScanState command line using /config in order for it to effect the migration. However, if you want to exclude additional data that you migrated to the store, simply modify Config.xml and specify the updated file with LoadState. For example, if you collected the My Documents folder in the store, but you decide that you do not want to migrate the My Documents folder to a destination computer, you can modify Config.xml (migrate=no) before you run LoadState and the file will not be migrated. For more information about the precedence that takes place when excluding data, see How To Exclude Files and Settings.


    In addition, note the following functionality with this file:

    If a parent component is removed from the migration in Config.xml by specifying migrate = "no", then all of its child components will automatically be removed from the migration also (even if the child component is set to migrate = "yes").

    If, by mistake, you have two lines of code for the same component where one specifies migrate="no" and the other specifies migrate="yes", the component will be migrated.

    When creating this file for Windows Vista, you should not specify /i:migsys.xml because MigSys.xml is not applicable. For example, you could run scanstate /genconfig:config.xml /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml /v:13 /l:scan.log



  2. How do i set the USMT tool to use a custom config.xml file? I use SCCM 2007 R2 Sp2 and also use Hardlink. I find very little documentation on how to use USMT with a config.xml file and SCCM.


    I have tried to set /config:config.xml on OSDMigrateAdditionalCaptureOptions. But the task do fail then.

  3. I Have a Task sequence that will fail if the user is not on the correct IP subnet. But instead of just quit i want the TS to show a custom error message to the user.

    I have tried to launch a vbs script with use of the Run command line. But it will not show my error box. Is it any way to show a msgbox to the user when the TS run in windows?

  4. I have a OS reinstall task with backup (USMT) that I want to run at user logon. I want to create a user that users can logon to reinstall their OS. For example a user called Install that launch a OS TS. I have tried to do this with use of user collection, but I did find out its not possible to advertise OS taks to users resources :(


    someone have any solution to this?

  5. I also use the unknown computers and PXE boot. But I use USMT and migrate the user profile and computer name. I want it to be zero touch for the clients.

    I did get it to work when I use collections. But the time it takes before the computer get in the correct collection and launch the mandatory task is to long. Takes up to one hour before the task starts. But when it start everything works like i want it to be. So my only problem is the time it takes before the task sequence start.


    But I see that SCCM is not designed to be used that way i think hehe..

    Maybe possible to launch the Task sequence with script?

  6. Is it possible to make a task sequence check if correct IP address before start? Example i don't want the task to run if IP address is not 10.12.190.%


    I have tried to make collection, and publish the task to only that collection. But it works to slow. I want my clients to be able to connect the computer to a "reimaging" station and the task reimageing task will start in some minutes. With collection it can take up to one hour before they start.


    Any good solution to make this possible?

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