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Posts posted by machtzu

  1. Hello,


    I have some files that I am serving from an IIS7 webserver that have ++ in the filename, however they all report as 404 errors. I have added a Mime type for .* to text/plain for these files which should serve it correct but it continues to fail. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  2. Hello,


    These guides have been a lifesafer but during a PXE OSD for a Windows Server it asks me for the computer name. Is there anyway to draw this from what I specify during the Computer Association import?

    I've read this article: http://kongkuba1.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!EEFF1607E296E5AB!238.entry which seems to be related as I am using MDT2010 but haven't had any luck getting them set so far.

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