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Posts posted by Tjindarr

  1. Somehow this seems to have autoresolved itself on my ConfigMgr server. i had added 2 boot images from the installation ISO downloaded from VLSC, but the service still crashed. This morning i added a MDT x64 boot image to create a bootable USB as PXE was not working.

    A couple of hours later the support guy from Microsoft sent me an IM that he wanted to take a screen of the distmg.log while he started the WDS service. i then saw that the service was started so i tested a PXE boot and it worked..?!?


    So my setup now is 3 bootimages on PXE, 2 from installation media both x86 and x64 and one MDT x64. the once from installation media has no drivers while the one from MDT has a bunch of drives added to it. i wont be doing anything with these until i get an answer from Microsoft support about a more stable solution as i have a feeling that if i restart the server it could crash again.


    I had also installed reporting services and restarted the server but i dont Think it is related, had Before restarted the SCCM server about 20 times.

  2. I have the exact same error, have tried uninstalling PXE, WDS, ADK 8.1 installed all over again, if i look at the crash logg it seems to crash when WIMGAPI.DLL is loaded, the system32 one is version 6.3.9600.16412 and the wimgapi from ADK 8.1 released after okt 17 is 6.3.9600.16411, dont know if this matters but i read an old post about different versions of wimgapi.


    i tried installing the old version of ADK 8.1, same error so wimgapi is probobly not the reason, does anyone have a valid solution for this becouse at the moment our deployment is not working.

    I have opened a ticket with Microsoft and i hope i have a solution soon.

  3. Hi.


    When i deploy a computer i use a HTA to prompt for primary user and it works when its a new computer that does not exist in SCCM.


    I install computer with computer name "Deploy1" with primary user "user1" and it works.

    i redeploy this machine with computer name "Deploy2" with primary user "user2"


    What happens is that "user2" is not assigned to computer "Deploy2" he is assigned to "Deploy1" and as expected "user1" is still assigned to "Deploy1"


    is this to be expected or am i doing something wrong?

  4. I edited pollewops HTA some to include prompts for Primary User and Computer name. Edit domain on line 113 or remove it if you have mulitple.
    There is also a check on line 104 to 109 to check that the username and computername is between 5 and 10 / 15 characters.
    The computername is also changed to upercase characters. And as before on line 98 change password and line 57 to 64 is the footer.
    also replace the logo.jpg with your own.
    I removed the checkbox for show password, cool feature but we never used it and i didnt get how to implement it with 2 new prompts.
    <title>Prompt for password</title>
         APPLICATIONNAME="Auto Refresh"
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="skin.css">
    <script language=vbscript>
    sub activate(thebutton)
    end sub
    sub activate2(thebutton)
    end sub
    sub deactivate(thebutton)
    end sub
    sub lblactivate(thebutton)
    end sub
    sub lblactivate2(thebutton)
    end sub
    sub lbldeactivate(thebutton)
    end Sub
    on error resume next
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objOSD = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")
    Sub Window_Onload
       window.resizeTo 700,500
       window.moveTo ((screen.availWidth \ 2) - (700 \ 2)), ((screen.availHeight \ 2) - (500 \ 2))
       Support = "0000-000000"
       Footer.InnerHTML= "<HR width='100%' SIZE='2'>" & vbcrlf & _
                         "<table vAlign='bottom' border='0' width='100%'>" & vbcrlf & _
                         "<td align='left'>" & vbcrlf & _
                         "<font color='Black' size='2'>Company" & vbcrlf & _
                         "<td align='right'>" & vbcrlf & _
                         "<font color='Black' size='2'>Support " & Support & vbcrlf & _
                         "</TD>" & vbcrlf & _
    End Sub
    Sub EnterToTab
      If Window.event.keyCode = 13 Then Window.event.keyCode = 9
    End Sub
    Sub Mainmenu
    	Header.innerHTML = "<table width='100%' border='0' align='left'><tr><td><img src='logo.jpg'><td><class='header'>Please enter Password, Primary User and Computername<br>" & vbcrlf & _
    		"And click the <b>continue</b> button.<tr><td colspan='2'><hr width='100%' SIZE='3'></table>"
    	Code.innerHTML ="<table width='100%' border='0'>" & vbcrlf & _
    		"<tr class='code'>" & vbcrlf & _
    		"<td colspan='1' valign=''>Password:</td>" & _
    		"<td colspan='2'><input type='password' name='ppassword' size='30' onkeydown='EnterToTab'></td>" & vbcrlf & _
    		"<td colspan='2'></td>" & _
    		"</tr>" & vbcrlf & _
    		"<td colspan='1' valign=''>Primary User:</td>" & _
    		"<td colspan='2'><input type='text' name='uda' size='30' onkeydown='EnterToTab'></td>" & vbcrlf & _
    		"<td colspan='2'></td>" & _
    		"</tr>" & vbcrlf & _
    		"<td colspan='1' valign=''>Computername:</td>" & _
    		"<td colspan='2'><input type='text' name='computer' size='30' onkeydown='EnterToTab'></td>" & vbcrlf & _
    		"<td colspan='2'></td>" & _
    		"</tr>" & vbcrlf & _
    		"<tr class='code'><td colspan='5'><HR width='100%' SIZE='2'></td></tr>" & vbcrlf & _
    		"<tr class='code'><td colspan='2'><input id=runbutton class='btna' onMouseOver='vbscript:activate me' onMouseOut='vbscript:deactivate me' onMouseDown='vbscript:activate2 me' type='button' value='continue' name='run_button' onClick='RunScript'>" & vbcrlf & _
    End Sub
    Sub RunScript
    	If ppassword.value <> "password" Then
    		messages.InnerHTML = "<font color='red' size='2'>Password is not valid.<br>" & vbcrlf & _
    			"<font color='black' size='2'>Retry entering the password ?<br>" & vbcrlf & _
    		   	"<input class='btna' onMouseOver='vbscript:activate me' onMouseOut='vbscript:deactivate me' onMouseDown='vbscript:activate2 me' type='button' value='Yes' name='Yes_button' onClick='Yes_button'>" & vbcrlf & _
    			"<input class='btna' onMouseOver='vbscript:activate me' onMouseOut='vbscript:deactivate me' onMouseDown='vbscript:activate2 me' type='button' value='No' name='No_button' onClick='No_button'>"
    		Exit Sub
    	ElseIf Len(uda.value) <= 4 Or Len(uda.value) > 15 Then
    		messages.InnerHTML = "<font color='red' size='2'>Please enter username between 5 and 15 chars<br>"
    		Exit Sub
    	ElseIf Len(computer.value) <= 4 Or Len(computer.value) > 10 Then	
    		messages.InnerHTML = "<font color='red' size='2'>Please enter computername between 5 and 10 chars<br>"
    		Exit Sub				
    		on error resume next
    	 	objOSD("ALLOWOSDBUILD") = "YES"
    	 	objOSD("SMSTSUdaUsers") = "domain\" & uda.value
    	 	objOSD("OSDComputerName") = UCase(computer.value)
     		Set objOSD = Nothing
    	End If 
    End Sub
    Sub No_button
    	on error resume next
    	Set objOSD = Nothing
    End Sub
    Sub Yes_button
    	messages.InnerHTML = "<font color='black' size='2'>Please try again"
    	ppassword.value = ""
    End Sub
    '****************** END SUB AREA *******************************************************
    '****************** START FUNCTION AREA ************************************************
    '****************** END FUNCTION AREA **************************************************
    <table height="100%" width="100%" border="0">
    <TD vAlign="top" height="10">
    <div class="header" id="Header"></div>
    <TD height="200">
    <div class="code" id="Code"></div>
    <TD align="center">
    <div class="messages" id="Messages"></div>
    <TD align="center">
    <div id="Note"></div>
    <TD vAlign='bottom'>
    <div id="Footer"></div>



    • Like 1
  5. Hello.


    im working in my labb to setup SCCM 2012 and would like some help to put together a simple HTA to prompt for password, computername and primary user.


    Im right now using 3 different scripts / HTA to prompt for this information all of them from this forum :)


    I use the HTA to prompt for password as i dont want the password shown in cleartext and the computername and UDA is 2 scripts that just use a inputbox.


    I would like these 2 to be a second step to the HTA, Prompt for password then 2 boxes for primary user and computername.

    And if its possible that you only need to input username and not domain\username (we only have one domain)


    Thanks in advance!


  6. Hi.


    We have a SCCM server running server 2008 with SCCM sp2

    But its not running to well. its slow and i constantly have to restart the WDS service when i add a new computer to install. The SCCM mmc crashes and so on.


    I was thinking of setting up a new server running Server 2008 R2. i still wanna keep the SQL database but move that to a SQL server 2008 R2.


    im just wondering if theres something i need to watch out for when setting up the new server or moving the database...

    ive read that moving the database isnt the simplest thing but the new server should be a problem i just need to move the site settings right?


    The move is done.

    I ended completely removing the old SCCM installation and begun from scratch again.

    Its now up and running on a Server 2008 R2 and a seperate Server 2008 R2 running SQL server 2008 R2. running really smoothly.


    The only problem i ran into was that the SPN was not set for the user running the SQL services.

  7. Ive just set up a new SCCM server and uninstalled the old one, the reason for this is that the old one was a test from the begining and we implemeted it into our production enviroment becouse lack of time.


    Now ive setup a new one with server 2008 R2 and the SQL database is on a seperate SQL server 2008R2.


    The problem im having is that about 70% of the CCM clients are not reporting back to the server that the client is installed.

    I´ve checked about 10 computers in our domain and the client is installed the the sitecode is correct.


    If i go to control panel > Configuration Manager and check under actions i have machine and user policy retrieval.....

    When i run these 2 the client shows up as installed on the SCCM console.

    Is there a way to trigger these 2 with a login script or a GPO?


    I really really dont wanna go around starting those actions on 400 computers.

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