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Posts posted by makarovs

  1. Hello, I have added all three WSUS servers to SCCM as Update servers, and configured boundaries. Yes, I've read that additional SUPs maybe used only as failover. But as i can see, after few days of errors all branches somehow picked up correct WSUS for their site and Software Update went fine




    Group policy settings were overwritten by a higher authority (Domain Controller) to: Server http://wsus1branch.domain.ltd:8530 and Policy ENABLED WUAHandler 5/27/2013 10:03:40 AM 4828 (0x12DC)
    Failed to Add Update Source for WUAgent of type (2) and id ({A14814B3-9259-4E67-9D55-1FE3C0E8DE77}). Error = 0x87d00692. WUAHandler 5/27/2013 10:03:40 AM 4828 (0x12DC)
    Its a WSUS Update Source type ({A14814B3-9259-4E67-9D55-1FE3C0E8DE77}), adding it. WUAHandler 5/27/2013 1:14:51 PM 9312 (0x2460)
    Enabling WUA Managed server policy to use server: http://wsus1branch.domain.ltd:8530 WUAHandler 5/27/2013 1:14:51 PM 9312 (0x2460)
    Waiting for 2 mins for Group Policy to notify of WUA policy change... WUAHandler 5/27/2013 1:14:51 PM 9312 (0x2460)
    Waiting for 30 secs for policy to take effect on WU Agent. WUAHandler 5/27/2013 1:14:59 PM 9312 (0x2460)
    Added Update Source ({A14814B3-9259-4E67-9D55-1FE3C0E8DE77}) of content type: 2 WUAHandler 5/27/2013 1:15:29 PM 9312 (0x2460)
    Scan results will include superseded updates only when they are superseded by service packs and definition updates. WUAHandler 5/27/2013 1:15:29 PM 9312 (0x2460)
    Search Criteria is (DeploymentAction=* AND Type='Software') OR (DeploymentAction=* AND Type='Driver') WUAHandler 5/27/2013 1:15:29 PM 9312 (0x2460)
    Async searching of updates using WUAgent started. WUAHandler 5/27/2013 1:15:29 PM 9312 (0x2460)
    Async searching completed. WUAHandler 5/27/2013 1:16:06 PM 8724 (0x2214)
    Successfully completed scan. WUAHandler 5/27/2013 1:16:08 PM 3016 (0x0BC8)




    Thank you,

  2. Hello,


    We have 3 offices, each one has it's own WSUS server, on Windows 2012. These WSUS Servers are downstream servers for the main WSUSBRANCH1 Server



    We have GPO configured, which will push update server address for each branch respectively to save bandwidth and use local server, which is synced with master. For branch 1 it will be http://wsusbranch1.domain.ltd, for branch 2 http://wsusbranch2.domain.ltd, etc



    And we have SCCM 2012, which has wsusbranch1, wsusbranch2, and wsusbranch3 added as Software Update Points. I thought SCCM will understand which WSUS Server is assigned to the branch, but it seems like it tries to overwrite WSUS address to wsusbranch1 in every office



    Enabling WUA Managed server policy to use server: HTTP://WSUSBRANCH1.DOMAIN.LTD:8530 WUAHandler 5/23/2013 6:01:38 PM 6268 (0x187C)
    Group policy settings were overwritten by a higher authority (Domain Controller) to: Server HTTP://WSUSBRANCH2.DOMAIN.LTD:8530 and Policy ENABLED WUAHandler 5/23/2013 6:01:55 PM 6268 (0x187C)
    Is there anything i can do with this? Maybe Boundaries? (Now it's configured as one global, including all branches)


  3. Hello. We have moved our CA from Server 2008R2 to Server 2012


    I've checked Certificate Templates for SCCM and WebServer, and it seems like they are fine, version less than 3, and auth level Server 2003, as requested by MS.

    However, all my clients were rejected with "MP has rejected registration request due to failure in client certificate (Subject Name: ) chain validation. If this is a valid client, Configuration Manager Administrator needs to place the Root Certification Authority and Intermediate Certificate Authorities in the MPÆs Certificate store or configure Trusted Root Certification Authorities in primary site settings. The operating system reported error 2148204809: A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider"


    May i please ask for advise?


    Is Windows Server 2012 Certification Authority supported as PKI for System Center Configuration Manager 2012 in general?


    Thank you


  4. Additional data:


    This SCCM2012.domain.ltd system is the Top Site where WSUS Server is configured to Sync from Microsoft Update (WU/MU) OR do not Sync. SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 06/06/2012 18:49:06 3488 (0x0DA0)

    Found WSUS Admin dll of assembly version Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration, Version=3.0.6000.273, Major Version = 0x30000, Minor Version = 0x17700111 SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 06/06/2012 18:49:06 3488 (0x0DA0)

    Found WSUS Admin dll of assembly version Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration, Version=3.1.6001.1, Major Version = 0x30001, Minor Version = 0x17710001 SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 06/06/2012 18:49:06 3488 (0x0DA0)

    The installed WSUS build has the valid and supported WSUS Administration DLL assembly version (3.1.7600.226) SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 06/06/2012 18:49:06 3488 (0x0DA0)

  5. And here is log from Configuration Manager Status Message Viewer for this system:


    Severity Type Site code Date / Time System Component Message ID Description

    Error Milestone LV2 06/06/2012 16:48:04 SCCM2012.DOMAIN.LTD SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 6613 WSUS Configuration Manager failed to publish client boot-strapper package "7da1560d-a721-47a2-a110-2f6e6b248822" with version "5.00.7711.0000" to the Software Updates Point.

  6. Hello. I have installed and configured SCCM 2012.

    Now i'm trying to integrate it to existing WSUS server


    I have installed WSUS Console on SCCM Machine and i've added SCCM2012 machine to existing WSUS Groups: Administrators, WSUS Administrators

    WSUS also signed with correct certificate and can be opened on SCCM Machine thru WSUS Console


    Windows Versions:


    SCCM2012: Windows Server 2008R2 Enteprise SP1

    WSUS: Windows Server 2008R2 Enteprise SP1


    WSUS Versions:


    SCCM 2012: Console 3.2.7600.226

    WSUS: Server and console 3.2.7600.226


    I've added WSUS as "Software update point" to SCCM, and Synchronized updates, here is wsyncmgr.log file:


    Synchronized update 1c0c3f17-9423-4f9c-9267-811bbb6a0690 - Definition Update for Microsoft Security Essentials - KB2310138 (Definition 1.127.1386.0). SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:21:55 4048 (0x0FD0)

    Synchronized update 9a353803-831e-4a35-b4ac-ed0eef98077b - HTTP Malware Definition Update for Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (Antimalware 1.127.1386.0). SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:21:58 4048 (0x0FD0)

    Synchronized update 78efada7-895e-49ff-9fc2-c08458495f3f - Definition Update for Microsoft Endpoint Protection - KB2461484 (Definition 1.127.1386.0). SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:22:05 4048 (0x0FD0)

    Synchronized update 526b85fb-b88b-4506-97a8-bab2441cae09 - Definition Update for Microsoft Forefront Client Security - KB977939 (Definition 1.127.1386.0). SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:22:12 4048 (0x0FD0)

    sync: SMS synchronizing updates, processed 18937 out of 18937 items (100%) SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:22:12 4048 (0x0FD0)

    sync: SMS synchronizing updates, processed 18937 out of 18937 items (100%) SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:22:12 4048 (0x0FD0)

    Removing unreferenced updates... SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:22:12 4048 (0x0FD0)

    sync: SMS performing cleanup SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:22:12 4048 (0x0FD0)

    sync: SMS performing cleanup, processed 202 out of 202 items (100%) SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:22:14 4048 (0x0FD0)

    Removed 202 unreferenced updates SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:22:14 4048 (0x0FD0)

    Done synchronizing SMS with WSUS Server wsus.domain.ltd SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER 06/06/2012 00:22:14 4048 (0x0FD0)


    Also WSUS reported correct sync as well.


    However, when i'm trying to publish SCCM Client to be available thru Software Update Based Installation, it went to error and never get published, WCM.log:


    Successfully connected to server: wsus.domain.ltd, port: 8531, useSSL: True SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 06/06/2012 17:31:42 3488 (0x0DA0)

    PublishApplication(7da1560d-a721-47a2-a110-2f6e6b248822 - 0) failed with error System.InvalidOperationException: Publishing operation failed because the console and remote server versions do not match.~~ at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.Publisher.LoadPackageMetadata(String sdpFile)~~ at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.UpdateServer.GetPublisher(String sdpFile)~~ at Microsoft.SystemsManagementServer.WSUS.WSUSServer.PublishApplication(String sPackageId, Int32 nRevision, String sSDPFile, String sCabFile) SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 06/06/2012 17:31:42 3488 (0x0DA0)

    ERROR: Failed to publish sms client to WSUS, error = 0x80131509 SMS_WSUS_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER 06/06/2012 17:31:42 3488 (0x0DA0)


    Do i need to install WSUS Server on SCCM Machine even i have standalone WSUS Server?

    Do i need to install SCUP Console on SCCM Machine?

  7. Hello. I'm deploying Windows 7 using SCCM 2007.


    Quick question: Is it possible to maintain (keep) data on D:\ drive and install Windows to C:?


    I've tried to uncheck "Format and partition hard drive" during Task Sequence creation, and then changed "Apply Operating System" to C: drive with wipe, but then Task Sequence fails with "Not enought space"


    Please any advice - how i can SAVE my D drive?

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