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Deleted deployment log file

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Hopefully I haven't put this in the wrong section I know how delicate grown men can be these days but its just a quick question that I haven't been able to find the answer online. I created a deployment for .NET 4.6.1 and a couple of users reported an unexpected reboot so I deleted the deployment and recreated it without the need for a reboot. I want to find a log file that will detail which PCs did deploy the application. I can no longer view the deployment in monitoring of course but wanted to know where else I can look.


I could do a report for machines with the software installed but the .NET packages are a part of Windows Updates so I just want to know which machines I have deployed too.


Any help appreciated. thanks

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Did you deploy .net 4.6 as a application or using software updates?


If application, you should be able to find the information in the SQL database. I'll have a look tomorrow however i know its in one of the tables in the DB. That will help you track down which computer received the install using your application deployment.


If software update, that's a bit trickier. Not sure if its even possible as i dont think sccm stores information about how it installed the update. It merely checks if the update is there or not. You can think out of the box however. Depending on how you setup the deployment, sccm might have downloaded the .NET installer files to c:\windows\ccmcache. That means a installer file (.cab, .exe or similar) for .NET 4.6 will be inside the ccmcache folder. You can create a script via sccm and deploy to all machines that scans the c:\windows\ccmcache folder and looks for this installer. If found, exit with 0 so it reports as a success in sccm. If not found exit with a random code like 999 so sccm reports a error. Then all the machine showing success will be the ones you deployed to (or technically, machines that have a 4.6 installer in c:\windows\ccmcache)

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