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Client not recognizing PKI cert after Re-Imaging

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SCCM CB 1706 - Win7 to Win10 migration using USMT, LTI (non-upgrade) -  When re-imaging a machine using the same computer name, the client does not recognize the PKI cert. 

The machine pulls the previous PKI cert that was issued and ClientIDManagerStartup.log has the following errors:

1) Failed to acquire certificate private key.

2) Certificate [Thumbprint...] issued to 'machine name' doesn't have private key or caller doesn't have access to private key.

3) Unable to find PKI certificate matching SCCM certificate selection criteria. 0x87d00283.

I have found that if I request a new PKI certificate or change the machine's name in the imaging process, then the client registers.

Is there a way to automate the recovery of the private key so that the client can use the existing PKI cert?  Or I guess the correct question is how do I resolve this through automation during the imaging process?



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It sounds like the same issue I had found a few months ago. My USMT config was set to migrate="yes" for computer certs and keys. I didn't want to turn that off in case there was anything else that did need to be backed up. I don't know much about certificates so I decided to run a PowerShell script right after the USMT Restore process:

# Cleanup after a USMT Restore
[DateTime]$Date = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd')
# Find any outdated Client Authentication certificates
$CompName = ($env:ComputerName).ToUpper()
$Certs = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject.ToUpper() -like "*$CompName*" -And $_.EnhancedKeyUsageList -like "*Client Authentication*" -And $_.FriendlyName -eq ""} | Sort-Object NotBefore -Descending
ForEach ($Cert in $Certs) {
	If ($Cert.NotBefore -lt $Date) {
		# Removing Old Certificate"
		Remove-Item -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$($Cert.PSChildName) -Force

It searches for client certificates with a subject matching the computer's name and with an older initial date.

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