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Jeff K

Setting up a 5 week Maintenance window


I was wondering my company has 5 different products including infrastructure in which they would like to patch. they prefer to do 1 product every weekend, on Sunday. So I was wondering how I can set up a 5 week maintenance window for these products. The one thing I have found that might work is to patch on the Sunday and configure the maintenance window to start the next week and re-occur 4 weeks after that. I tried using the 5 weeks in the maintenance window and it wont allow me to use that amount of time. Does anyone have an idea?

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I don't really get what you are trying to achieve, but I do know that it is not possible to set a Maintenance Window per Product


Sorry it is not per windows product. it is per My Company's product we make. so if product 1 is on the first saturday of june, lets say, in 5 weeks which is 10th of July is the next time it would get patched. product 2 is the second saturday of june, then 5 weeks later on the 17th of July it gets patched again. i hope that explains it better. but each product would get its own collection for this reason.

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That's not possible...

All Active Maintenance Windows count for all machines in the Collection. So if a machine excists in both collection, both Maintenance Windows will count for the client. It is not possible to specify which Maintenance Window to use with an Advertisement.


For more information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb694295.aspx

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That's not possible...

All Active Maintenance Windows count for all machines in the Collection. So if a machine excists in both collection, both Maintenance Windows will count for the client. It is not possible to specify which Maintenance Window to use with an Advertisement.


For more information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb694295.aspx

ok let me see if i can explain it a bit better...maybe i am not clear enough in the sccm console under the colloections i want to make 5 seperate collections, product 1, product 2, product 3, product 4, product 5. now for each different product i would like to make a 5 week maintenance window so product 1 starts june 3 product 2 is june 10, product 3 is june 17, product 4 is june 24, product 5 is july 1. now product 1 is patched june 3 and in 5 weeks from then on july 8th it should come around to a maintenance window to allow patching and other things. product 2 would be july 15th....so on and so forth. i hope this i abit more clear of what i am asking to see if it is possible....now i figure that if i patch product 1 on june 3rd and set the maintenance window to be the effective date of june 8th, a week later, and then reoccur every 4 weeks does that not bring it to a total of 5 weeks? is there an easier way of doing this...if so please help.

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But what I am trying to say is that when a machine has a combination of the 5 products, it also has a combination of the Maintenance Windows. So to continue your example, if a machine is in all 5 collections it has a Maintenance Windows at june 3 (prooduct 1), june 10 (product 2), june 17 (product 3), june 24 (product 4) and july 1 (product 5). Which is the same as a weekly recurring Window.

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each product is installed in one group of servers and that group has nothing else installed. so product 1 has product 1, no product 2 or 3 or anything else thats all. than each product gets it own collection. so really the structure will look like:


Product 1

Product 2

Product 3 all of these are seperate collections under Collections in sccm

Product 4

Product 5


each of these have seperate collections and only 1 maintenance window which i would like to be 5 weeks...now the question how do i make a 5 week maintenance window on each one of the collections. the collections are not affected by any other maintenance window...no other links to collections are there, the servers are not in any other collections or maintenance windows except the all systems collections...no maintenance window.

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