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Sccm standalone key self expiration, following the guide exactly! What am I doing wrong? custom hook tsconfig .vbs file


following the instructions here:


my tsconfig is as follows:


CommandLine="cscript.exe X:\ExpiredUFDCheck.vbs"

CommandLine="wscript.exe X:\Deploy\Scripts\ZTIMediaHook.wsf"

The ORIGINAL vbs file is as follows, which will not function for me and just throw errors and the logic seems wrong so I corrected it, ( changes annotated).

On Error Resume Next


' // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

' // Find the environment variable %configpath% for location of UFD

' // ---------------------------------------------------------------------


'Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'Set objExecObject = objShell.Exec("%comspec% /c echo %configpath%")

'configPath1 = objExecObject.StdOut.ReadAll()

'configPath = Mid(configPath1, 1, Len(configPath1) -2)



' // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

' // Find the environment variable %TEMP% for location of tool files (e.g. shutdown.exe)

' // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objExecObject = objShell.Exec("%comspec% /c echo %temp%")

temp = objExecObject.StdOut.ReadAll()

tempdir = Mid(temp, 1, Len(temp) -2)



' // ---------------------------

' // Find driver letter for UFD

'// ----------------------------


Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


Set Drives = FSO.Drives


For Each DiskDrive In Drives

If DiskDrive.DriveType = "1" Then

USBPath = DiskDrive.Path

End If





' // -----------------------------------------------------------------

' // Query WMI for creation date of the Policy.xml file on the UFD

' // -----------------------------------------------------------------


strComputer = "."

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")



' // ----------------------------

' // Media Check - Policy.xml

' // ----------------------------


Set colFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From CIM_DataFile Where Name = '" & USBPath & "\\SMS\\Data\\Policy.xml'")



' // -----------------------------------------

' // Set the date 3 months ago from today

' // -----------------------------------------


dt3MonthsAgo = DateAdd("m", -3, Now)



' // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

' // If the Policy.xml file creation date is less than the date 3 months ago from today, it is an expired UFD. <---------Shouldnt this be MORE?

' // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


For Each objFile in colFiles

dtCreationDate = WMIDateStringToDate(objFile.CreationDate)

dtEndDate = DateAdd("m", 3, dtCreationDate)

If dtCreationDate > dt3MonthsAgo then <--------------- I have changed "<" to ">"

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Command = TEMPDIR & "\scripts\Shutdown.exe /s /t 0"

MsgBox "This USB Key expired on" & dtEndDate, vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Expired USB Media"

Set oExec = WshShell.Exec(Command)


'WScript.Quit(1) <------------------I have commented this out, ts fails every time, throwing a 4005 error


End If




' // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

' // Converting the WMI date query response to a simple date format. (e.g. 09/21/2010)

' // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Function WMIDateStringToDate(dtmInstallDate)

WMIDateStringToDate = CDate(Mid(dtmInstallDate, 5, 2) & "/" & Mid(dtmInstallDate, 7, 2) & "/" & Left(dtmInstallDate, 4) & " " & Mid(dtmInstallDate, 9, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmInstallDate, 11, 2) & ":" & Mid(dtmInstallDate, 13, 2))

End Function

I"m going crazy trying to get this thing to work! No matter what date I set in the bios, i see the script kick off, but my task sequence keeps right on going :( . Won't running this with the cscript command open an ugly to the end user cmd prompt box along with the notification box? Any help is appreciated!

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Try commenting out the initial "On Error Resume Next" line so you can get some error messages returned and see what's blowing up.


SIDE NOTE: Typically if I'm mesing with VBScript code in SCCM PE media I'll just boot into PE, hit F8, map a network drive using "NET USE", and then copy my scripts to X:\ and test from there (I make changes to the script file on my other machine, copy them down to X:\ again and try my test yet again). So no need to create new boot media for testing...

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