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OSDpreservedriveletter Ruins my app installs

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Yes its as weird as it sounds.
in Short I'm trying to OSD a windows 7 enterprise.

If I put the

osdpreservedriveletter to TRUE
My Windows installs to D:\ , my wim image is applied, the drivers are installed.
and the 5 apps I have added 'acrobat reader, java etc.' all get installed.


osdpreservedriveletter to FALSE
My Task Sequence installs to c:\ , my wim image is applied, the drivers are installed

and then it completely skips the install apps section..
it just loads windows right after 'apply windows settings',

Why!?!.. I don't understand why this happens and how I stop it..
As of right now I can pick between having
C:\+no apps, or
D:\+my apps


today I changed the wim file.. it was before just a regular windows 7 wim.
then I made and captured a windows 7 with full updates on it.
Using the old wim file.. I was able to place the apps on the C:\ back when I used the old .wim

So how does that all fit together,? if the new wim was just broken then fine
But it works without flaws when I install it to d:\ .. how does that make sense.

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