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  1. Hi I need to stop the deployment of an application to a collection but I do not want to lose the history of the deployment. Is there a way to delete an application/package deployment and keep the deployment's history (success rate,etc)? Thanks!
  2. Sundi

    USMT- space estimate

    I will be using USMT 4.0 for our upcoming XP to Win7 migration and would like to use the space estimate switch to have an idea of how much space will be needed for our profile backups. However, I do not understand the output of the file when I run this command. The command to retrieve a space-estimate for a computer is scanstate.exe /p:filename(txt or xml) /(migxmls). An example of a txt or xml file is below and I do not understand this because my backup sizes have been 1.6GB, 750MB and others. This does not appear to match anything in the output file. I think that this estimate is supposed to reflect space needed for the source and destination but the reported sizes still do not match. Can anyone explain how I am supposed to read this space-estimate file? Thanks -------------------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <PreMigration> <storeSize> <size clusterSize="4096">16572416</size> </storeSize> <temporarySpace> <size>32953556</size> </temporarySpace> </PreMigration> ----------------------------------
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