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Everything posted by MadFitzy

  1. Hi All, All of the above methods were unsuccessful for me. It turns out that our issue was the distribution point attempting to perform the lookup against a Management Point in another forest; as the DP's computer account didn't have the correct access the lookups and PXE would fail with the symptoms shown above. After a bit more digging I found that the Management Points are stored alphabetically in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\DP\ManagementPoints registry key on the distribution point and that the first DP it was attempting to hit was returning an access denied error to the DP. After adding the appropriate permissions on the MP the PXE boot proceeded without error. Removing the key for the offending server also worked temporarily until the DP's polling interval expired and the key was re-populated. Hope this helps. Cheers, Hayden
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