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Everything posted by mactatus

  1. In order to pxe boot first from a x64 boot image you must deploy last to the unknown computers collection a task sequence that uses a x64 boot image
  2. yes we are running in https mode. That warning appears at all systems when we are pxe-boot, so it doesn't affect only the hardware I'm having trouble with. About the MAC address, do you mean searching in other logs? because in the smspxe all that appears, I have attached it here.
  3. First of all, sorry for replying so late, but yesterday was a crazy day and I didn't have the necessary time to test the OSD after applying CU1 to the server. So, I have attached the log. Oneone: I made a new winpe 4 image after installing ADK on my computer and I wrote it on a CD and it works. After I import that boot image to SCCM, I distribute it and I integrate it in a task sequence, it doesn't work. It gets stalled at the Win Pe flag. If it is about the SATA drivers, why it boots with no problem at all when I boot from the WinPe cd? Thank you all for your time sms-pxe.log
  4. Hi there, We have at work a few dozen of laptops and some desktops that have the same GUID. After adding the bannedguids registry key I was able to pxe boot, it loads the boot.sdi file and winpe.wim file and it gets stuck on the winpe 4.0 welcome screen and those dots which were supposed to rotate in order to show that the winpe is loading, do not appear at all. The hardware is windows 8 compatible, because I have tried to install windows 8 from a dvd media and I have succeded to do so without any troubles. I have deployed one task sequence to the all systems collection and I have removed the registry key and I get the same "error". So, I made a winpe 4 bootable cd from ADK, using this guide http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/bc9b8da6-6210-4e47-a997-e5f2d1c3113d/bannedguid-in-sccm-2012-sp1-system-center-configuration-manager-2012-sp1 and surprise, winpe loads. So, I thought then that is a problem with the drivers which I have included in the boot images. Then, I have tried to build a boot image from scratch, which I managed using this guide http://myitforum.com/myitforumwp/2013/08/01/how-to-create-configmgr-2012-boot-images-from-scratch/ I added it in SCCM, I have distributed it, I have added it to a task sequence that I have deployed to all system collection, but I got the same result. Those spinning dots fail to appear. Even if I added the optional components available to WinPE, I still got the same result. Any help and/or ideas will be greatly appreciated..
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