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Everything posted by MphoPlay

  1. Thanks for the advice Let me try and install about 5 gateway servers, infact, how much traffic does geteways servers generate?
  2. Hi Guys I have about 19 difference sites around the world, which have slow connection to then, and I am being hammered by the network team for the traffic that SCOM is generating. For example to install to a server in Frankfort from South Africa, I generated about 3GB and they gave me a report to prove it. Therefore I need a solution they will make monitoring easy, 1 - Do I install separate SCOM instances per location, which for me is going to be a management nightmare? 2 - how do I reduce the network traffic? Any advice, thanks in advance.
  3. Awesome!!!! It worked for me
  4. Finally Microsoft came back to me with the findings AND VERSION COMPATIBILITY. THEY ARE NOT COMPATIBLE - And this is the response today: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ | VMM Version | Supported Operations Manager Version | |______________________________________________|_________________________________________________| | System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager | Operations Manager 2007 R2 | | | System Center 2012 – Operations Manager | |______________________________________________|_________________________________________________| | VMM in System Center 2012 SP1 | Operations Manager in System Center 2012 SP1 | |______________________________________________|_________________________________________________| | VMM in System Center 2012 R2 | Operations Manager in System Center 2012 R2 | |______________________________________________|_________________________________________________| HOPE THIS HELPS...
  5. HI Guys i have research the problem extensively and verified all the accounts on both SCVMM 2012 R2 and SCOM 2007 R2 and with NO success i decided to log a call with Microsoft and here are the findings: To summarize our live meeting session yesterday: 1) During SCOM 2007 R2 and SCVMM 2012R2 integration we got the following error message. Error 25904 : A connection already exists. Remove the existing connection and then try the operation again. 2) We opened a PowerShell window on the SCVMM Server and tried to remove the already existing connection with the following Powershell command. Remove-SCOpsMgrConnection -force During this operation we were confronted with a new problem. (Screenshot below) 3) After some research we found out that this problem can be caused by scvmm service account permissions. 4) We immediately checked the SCVMM Service account permissions on the Virtual Manager DB and SCOM. We added the SCVMM Service account to the SCOM Administrators and also changed the SCOM VMM Run As Account from Admin to SCVMM Account. 5) Afterwards we logged on to the SCVMM Server with the SCVMM Service account and tried to execute the Remove-SCOpsMgrConnection –force again. We were able to successfully run the command. 6) We then tried again to integrate the SCOM and SCVMM again. This time we got the following error message. 7) After some research we decided to restart the SCVMM and SCOM Services and the SCVMM Job did not fail like before. This time the Job run as expected but now it failed with the following error message. It now reported a problem with the SCOM Management Pack. We checked immediately the Virtual Machine Manager Management Pack versions and identified that these are old. C:\ProgramData\VMMLogs\SCVMM.6c59a*2afc0f157\report.txt ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Error Report ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Error report created 6/2/2014 3:19:08 PM CLR is not terminating ---------------------------------------------------- --------------- Bucketing Parameters --------------- ---------------------------------------------------- EventType=VMM20 P1(appName)=vmmservice.exe P2(appVersion)=3.2.7510.0 P3(assemblyName)=unknown P4(assemblyVer)= P5(methodName)=unknown P6(exceptionType)=Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.ManagementPackException P7(callstackHash)=997f SCVMM Version=3.2.7510.0 SCVMM flavor=C-buddy-RTL-AMD64 Default Assembly Version=3.2.7510.0 Executable Name=vmmservice.exe Executable Version=3.2.7510.0 Base Exception Target Site=unknown Base Exception Assembly name=unknown Base Exception Method Name=unknown Exception Message=XSD verification failed for management pack. [Line: 1, Position: 17] EIP=0x00007ffe68cf43c8 Build bit-size=64 7) We decided to install the Virtual Machine Manager 2012 R2 Management Pack and saw that it requires some other core Windows 2012 R2 MP’s. We decided to not install the newer MP’s because of backward compatibility. Some MP’s overrides the older MP’s and some creates newer one. Because of all the above occurrence’s it looks like that SCOM 2007 R2 isn’t compatible with 2012 R2. We agreed to ask our Product Team and wait for a response. As already mentioned one the phone I could not find any kb article regarding supported or not. Neither public not internal no kb article is available regarding this topic. sorry i cannot attach screenshots
  6. HI Guys i am trying to integrate SCVMM 2012 R2 and SCOM R2 cu5 and this is the error i am getting please advice. there error is : 25904
  7. HI Guys I would like to know how does scom identify the servers that were mistakenly assigned with dhcp ip addresses in stead of static ips. I wan to view only servers that received the a static ip. Thanks in advance Mpho
  8. HI Guys I have bee studing the code from this guys here, I want to implement a similar reminder email, Can anyone help to make sence of it? I dont know where to start. h**p://syscenterstuff.blogspot.com/2010/02/maintenance-mode-reminder-emails.html 1) A SQL Linked Server connection to Active Directory - this allows us to lookup the email address of the AD user who put the machine into maintenance mode. In our company we make use of a centralised server details page (with MM integration). If this page is used to put the machine into maintenance mode, another "service" account is used, but the username is stored in the comments section as follows: DOMAIN\USER: Comments 2) SQL Mail will need to be setup. 3) There is another portion to this - a Web Service which receives the request to extend the maintenance mode. You may choose to omit this portion but it's nice functionality to have. This is in C#. SQL Code: DECLARE @now datetime; DECLARE @LocalGMTOffset int; DECLARE @MMWindowAlertThresholdPerc int; DECLARE @startPos int; DECLARE @endPos int; DECLARE @userName varchar(200); DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000); DECLARE @AD varchar(200); DECLARE @WebServer varchar(200); DECLARE @actionAccount varchar(200); SET @LocalGMTOffset = +2 SET @MMWindowAlertThresholdPerc = 75; SET @NOW = dateadd(hour,(@LocalGMTOffset * -1),getdate()); SET @AD = 'http://' + @WebServer + '/mm/Default.aspx?bmid='+ @BmeId + '&extend=1&DisplayName='+@DisplayName+'" class="button">1 hour</a> <a href="http://' + @WebServer + '/mm/Default.aspx?bmid='+ @BmeId + '&extend=2&DisplayName='+@DisplayName+'" class="button">2 hours</a> <a href="http://' + @WebServer + '/mm/Default.aspx?bmid='+ @BmeId + '&extend=4&DisplayName='+@DisplayName+'" class="button">4 hours</a> <a href="http://' + @WebServer + '/mm/Default.aspx?bmid='+ @BmeId + '&extend=8&DisplayName='+@DisplayName+'" class="button">8 hours</a> Other options: <a href="http://' + @WebServer + '/mm/Default.aspx?bmid='+ @BmeId + '&extend=0&DisplayName='+@DisplayName+'" class="button">Take out of maintenance mode</a> </BODY> </HTML>' EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients=@mail, @subject = @subjectVal, @body = @bodyVal, @body_format = 'HTML'; SET @startPos = @startPos + 1 END --MUST REMOVE THIS WHEN LIVE - this is left here for testing purposes so it'll always send --delete from [monitor].[dbo].[tb_MMWindows] --------------------------- C# Web Service Code: using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement; using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration; using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Collections.Generic; public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int gmtOffset = 2; string bmid = Request.QueryString["bmid"]; int extendHours = System.Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["extend"]); string pcDisplayName = Request.QueryString["displayname"]; if (bmid != null && pcDisplayName != null) { ManagementGroup mg = new ManagementGroup("RMS1"); string mcCriteria = "Name = 'Microsoft.Windows.Computer'"; string query = "Id = '" + bmid + "'"; MonitoringClassCriteria criteria = new MonitoringClassCriteria(mcCriteria); MonitoringClass monClass = mg.GetMonitoringClasses(criteria)[0]; MonitoringObjectCriteria objCriteria = new MonitoringObjectCriteria(query, monClass); List<monitoringobject> monObjects = new List<monitoringobject>(mg.GetMonitoringObjects(objCriteria)); if (monObjects.Count == 0) { litOutput.Text = "Could not find an object with that display name. System Center has been notified."; } foreach (MonitoringObject monObject in monObjects) { if (extendHours == 0) { DateTime scheduledEndTime = DateTime.UtcNow; try { monObject.StopMaintenanceMode(scheduledEndTime, Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.TraversalDepth.Recursive); litOutput.Text = pcDisplayName + " has successfully been taken out of maintenance mode."; } catch(Exception Ex) { litOutput.Text = "Encountered an error stopping maintenance mode. System Center has been notified. " + Ex.Message; } } else { if (!monObject.InMaintenanceMode) { try { DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime scheduledEndTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(extendHours); string comments = extendHours + " hour maintenance mode window requested"; monObject.ScheduleMaintenanceMode(startTime, scheduledEndTime, 0, comments, Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.TraversalDepth.Recursive); litOutput.Text = pcDisplayName + " has already been taken out of maintenance mode. Starting a new maintenance mode window for " + extendHours + " hours." + " Scheduled end time is: " + scheduledEndTime.AddHours(gmtOffset).ToString(); } catch(Exception Ex) { litOutput.Text = "Encountered an error placing machine into maintenance mode. System Center has been notified. " + Ex.Message; } } else { try { MaintenanceWindow myWindow = monObject.GetMaintenanceWindow(); DateTime scheduledEndTime = myWindow.ScheduledEndTime.ToUniversalTime().AddHours((extendHours + gmtOffset)); string updatedComments = myWindow.Comments + " || " + extendHours + " hour extension requested"; monObject.UpdateMaintenanceMode(scheduledEndTime, 0, updatedComments, Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.TraversalDepth.Recursive); litOutput.Text = pcDisplayName + " has had its maintenance mode extended by the requested " + extendHours + " hours" + " New scheduled end time is: " + scheduledEndTime.AddHours(gmtOffset).ToString(); } catch(Exception Ex) { litOutput.Text = "Encountered an error extending maintenance mode. System Center has been notified. " + Ex.Message; } } } } } } } </monitoringobject></monitoringobject> And that's it... this works nicely once it's setup. It may take you a while to get all the components right - if you need help give me a shout.
  9. HI Guys I need a query to find out who changed overrides on SCOM. Powershell or SQL queries would be nice Highly appreciated all the advice
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