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Everything posted by Matze1983

  1. hello all, i´m new here and i´m new relativity new to SCCM. We have a huge active directory with many OU´s. At the moment, i try to create some device collection for windows updates based on OU. We have several locations with server-ou´s: Land\City\Server\ImportantServer Land\City\Server\MemberServer for about 100 locations. now i plan to deploy windows-updates distinguished by ImportantServer and MemberServer. I know, that I can make device collections based on OU in Membership Rules, but in the Query Statement, I have to give the complete path to the OU: select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SystemOUName = "PATH OF THE OU" Now my question: is it possible to query all OU´s named "ImportantServer" and "MemberServer" in the complete active directory independent from the Land, City etc? I hope my question is understandable Thanks everybody for your help! Best regards Mathias
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