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Everything posted by jbhaire2004

  1. I have made some good progress on this. I have identified that in fact there is a source from which the reboot information for all updates can be derived. That being said, its going to be a feat to create the mechanism to tie it all together.
  2. I have opened a Microsoft support case to assist with the creation of this.
  3. I found a temporary workaround that is getting me a little closer but I still haven't found what I was looking for. By individually entering numbers 1 to 9 in the "Required" criteria field I have managed to avoid returning any unrequired results with a "Required" the value of 0. EDIT: Now that I am not falling asleep let me elaborate: I was searching for a way to create a "search folder" that would result in updates required by more than X machines. I found a good solution although I had to resign myself to somewhat modifying my original end-goal. I have about 425 clients in my environment. I was hoping to find all updates that were required by 100 or more clients. However, as noted above, the criteria (or filter) applied to the updates' "required" attribute field is being interpreted as text not a number/integer. As such, my tests would indicate that it is not possible to apply formulas or logical equations. (The follwing don't work: ">100" ; "Not equal or less than 100" ; "100-425".) Once I changed my perspective and began to try and understand how to reach my end goal in relation to a text solution, I found I could get closer to creating a search folder with my desired results. If you "add" one at a time: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; you should find that it will return all updates for which the attribute field "required" has a value/data that are equal OR START WITH A BEGINGING CHARACTER OF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. For example, if "1" is the criteria/filter applied against the attribute field "required", it should return all updates that are required by 1, 100, 141, 1000, or 100000 machines. (May need to verify as a poster on a similiar thread stated that "1" was only returning updates with a value of exactly "1" in the "required" field). This was helpful for me as it returned a manageable number of results opposed to a search folder without the criteria/filter. When I created a search folder for: Any and All updates, with the criteria of "expired"="no" and "superseded"="no"; I get 18,000+ results. When I created a search folder for: Any and All updates, with the criteria of "expired"="no" and "superseded"="no" and "required"="1" OR "2" OR "3" OR "4" OR "5" OR "6" OR "7" OR "8" OR "9"; I get 291 results. (The main advantage is that the criteria prevent the return on unneeded updates. No entries will appear in the list where "required"="0"). [in theory I could enter every interger between 100 and 425 (the maximum returnable value as it would mean every client in my environment) to accomplish exactly my original desired result; however it just doesn't make any sense to go through that.]
  4. I am trying to determine how to best create a Search Folder based on the "Required" criteria. I would like to create a search of all updates, in all categories, that are NOT Expired, NOT Superseded, and that are required by More than 100 machines. The issue that I am having is that the "Required" field appears to be treating the input criteria as text rather than a number so that enteries input as a range or formula are not being interpreted as such. Other than manually entering an entry for ever number over a hundred, I am at a loss. Thanks, JBHaire2004
  5. Hello, Recently while I was monitoring the patches being pushed over the course of a late night maintenance window, I had the thought of how nice it would be to push updates that did not require reboots outside of the maintenance periods. Has anyone ever build a Search Folder spefically for updates NOT requiring reboots? Thanks, JBHaire2004
  6. Before I spent hours trying to research this, I thought I'd ask if anyone knew if there is a down and dirty way in SCCM to build a collection based on PCs that have active or idle user sessions? (Collection of PCs where someone is logged in or has a locked user session)? I just found I misconfigured one of my desktop patches last weekend so during my maintenance window they downloaded to the machines but did not install. Now all my desktops are waiting for a maintenance window to install. We have a logoff script that runs but there is an exception list. Because of that I have to be careful of users that stayed logged in when they leave or that may be working remote as they'd loss open work or results of running processes if the machine reboots after they're patched. Tonight I wanted to push to available machines that did not have anyone logged in and thought I'd try to build a collection of machines based whether someone is logged in. (Unless there is a better way like a neat trick to preserve the user's session through a reboot).
  7. Sure. I found the solution to my issue. I tested a number of scenarios and combinations and determined those that work and those that do not. ORG: ReportGUID = "{33DFBA95-926F-4B93-BAD4-2FA640F75439}"; 2 : ReportGUID = "{}"; WORKS 3 : ReportGUID = ""; WORKS 4 : ReportGUID = ; Not Working 5 : ReportGUID = Not Working 6 : ; ReportGUID = Not Working 7 : (LINE COMPLETELY REMOVED) WORKS
  8. I would like to create a new report by exporting a report as a .MOF, modifying it, and then importing it back into SCCM. Is there a way to generate a new SCCM report from "Reports" -> "import objects"? I have attempted this but have been unsuccessful. I read this can be done by changing the values after "Category =" and "Name =" but it always replaces the previous report. I beleive this is because the ReportGUID stays the same. How can you regenerate a new ReportGUID? Is this possible?? Here is a sample MOF I would like to import as a new report. // ******************************************************************************** * // // Created by SMS Export object wizard // // Wednesday, July 29, 2009 created // // File Name: BFC-CustomReport-Memory-394.MOF // // Comments : // // // ******************************************************************************** * // ***** Class : SMS_Report ***** [securityVerbs(140551)] instance of SMS_Report { Category = "BFC - Custom Reports - Hardware - Memory"; Comment = "Displays a list of computers that are low on memory. The amount of memory to check for is specified in MB."; DrillThroughColumns = {}; MachineDetail = FALSE; MachineSource = FALSE; Name = "Computers with low memory that is less than or equal to specified MB of RAM"; NumPrompts = 1; RefreshInterval = 0; ReportGUID = "{33DFBA95-926F-4B93-BAD4-2FA640F75439}"; ReportParams = { instance of SMS_ReportParameter { AllowEmpty = FALSE; PromptText = "MB of Memory"; VariableName = "variable"; }}; SecurityKey = ""; SQLQuery = "SELECT Distinct SYS.Netbios_Name0, SYS.Operating_System_Name_and0, \n \tMEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0/1024 As C083 \nFROM v_R_System SYS \nJOIN v_GS_X86_PC_MEMORY MEM on SYS.ResourceID = MEM.ResourceID \nWHERE MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0/1024 <= @variable"; StatusMessageDetailSource = FALSE; UnicodeData = FALSE; }; // ***** End *****
  9. Thank you very much anyweb. The last point you addressed was what had me questions my configuration. Ideally I'd like to have the all the updates auto-downloading during off peak hours. If the alluring and seemingly possible method of accomplishing this by toggling that setting in WSUS is not recommended, I would be more hesitant to attempt it. I would however be curious as to the reason why it’s not recommended. Along those lines, in SCCM there is an option under Component Configuration -> Software Update Point Component -> Properties (Right Click Menu) -> Sync Settings (Tab); where you can change a setting from “Synchronize from Microsoft Update” to “Synchronize from an upstream update server”. I am uncertain as what exactly that is referencing. Is that referring to data about updates or the updates files themselves? Is there a supported method to in which you point SCCM to a WSUS server that relies on and upstream update server for its update files? Meaning, can you configure 2 WSUS server in the environment, with the WSUS#1 downloading everything from Microsoft while WSUS#2 is configured to look to WSUS#1 as an upstream server for source files? With the supported manual initiation of downloads by selecting “Download Software Updates” from the Right Click Menu, is there a way to go through the approval process at 12:00pm yet delay the download from happening till a later specified time, say 3:00am? Related to the manual download initiation, when creating Search Folders, I encountered 1 unexpected instance. I followed your "Configuring Software Update Point within SCCM" guide as well as worked through Chris Stauffer’s “SCCM Patch Management” documentation. In creating the “All Microsoft Patches” search folder, I found that some of the expected patches were missing. I went back through and found that by defining “Bulletin ID = MS” you miss Service Packs, Critical Updates, etc. This that something that occurs by design? By using the “Bulletin ID = MS” what should be included? Still had one question from my first post: On another note, I have found that when working with pushing updates through SCCM SUP, it appears that the actually update files are duplicated in multiple location on the drive. SCCM downloads the update to its default location (let's say D:\SMSPKGD$), then when the update package is created the update is then copied again to the package storage location (let's say D:\Package_Repository). Is that normal? It just seems odd to burn disk space twice.
  10. Environment: In my production environment I have SCCM 2007 R2 and WSUS 3.0 SP1 installed on a server running Windows Server 2008 SP1. There are additional servers are running the Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller role. The SQL database is being serviced by a separate server running SQL Server 2005 under Windows Server 2008. I am currently testing the push of updates to a test collection with the intention of pushing updates to my production environment starting this weekend. As we are still standardized on running XP as our desktop OS, my thought was to start with pushing Windows XP SP3 and then move forward from there. I have read "Configuring Software Update Point within SCCM" guide and have been reviewing the settings in WSUS and SCCM SUP. There are a few areas that I was uncertain about and I was hoping that I could get some clarification. At the end of the "Configuring Software Update Point within SCCM" post, I noted a question about whether SCCM should be downloading updates from Microsoft or getting the packages from WSUS. After looking closer at the settings of WSUS and SCCM SUP; I was uncertain of this myself. Additionally I found a few settings available through WSUS that appear to be unavailable in SCCM SUP. As far as I can tell, SCCM SUP only has the option to download updates once they are approved. WSUS on the other hand, has the ability to download all updates that match the Products and Patch types you define, prior to being approved. Assuming you have the disk space, I think it would be advantageous to have all updates automatically downloaded during off peak hours. (I say this as I have to consider synchronization can take hours to complete and in my environment I need to be mindful of heavy bandwidth utilization during business hours.) Is it possible to have SCCM SUP download all the updates ahead of time? Is it possible, with a local install of SCCM SUP and WSUS on the same machine, to have WSUS download all the updates ahead of time then point SCCM SUP at the WSUS download store? Will adjusting any setting within WSUS after installing the SCCM SUP cause conflicts? On another note, I have found that when working with pushing updates through SCCM SUP, it appears that the actually update files are duplicated in multiple location on the drive. SCCM downloads the update to its default location (let's say D:\SMSPKGD$), then when the update package is created the update is then copied again to the package storage location (let's say D:\Package_Repository). Is that normal? It just seems odd to burn disk space twice. Thanks in advance for any insight that can be offered, jbhaire2004
  11. How would one go about moving the C:\WSUS\WSUSCONTENT download location? It is dumping the information on the C-Drive with the OS and I'd like to move the storage location to the empty D-Drive. I have found articles that describe moving WSUS download path between local drives but they either only address WSUS or they are specifically refering to Server 2003.
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