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  1. Hi, I'm new here so Hello! Need some help with copying files to C:\Program Files (x86)\Desktop\ but before I do that I need to kill a process. Soooo I created a batch file: REM Check if a file exists? If not then install the new version, if it does then exit. if exist "c:\program files (x86)\Desktop\New_Version.flag" goto :EXIT ELSE goto :RUN :RUN taskkill /im Desktop.exe echo DesktopInfo.exe was killed xcopy /s \\Domain.net\sccm$\Source\Desktop_R3\*.* "C:\Program Files (x86)\Desktop\" /Y start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Desktop\Desktop.exe" end :EXIT end I then created a package and pushed it out but it fails, I was about to start going through the logs but I thought I'd ask here if I was actually doing this correctly as I'm totaly new to SCCM. Any help would be awesome. Thanks
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