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  1. Hi I hope someone can help as I am lost with this. My knowledge of SCCM is limided t say the least. We have a single Primary SCCM server on Windows Server 2008 R2. WSUS is also on the same box. Everything is using the default web site using ports 80\443 and everything has been working OK for over a year. During the last deployment of patches, SCCM\WSUS stopped downloading patches to machines. The UpdateDeployment logs report the patches were added to the targeted list of deployment and then after half an hour you get a messages in the log stating "Raising client SDK event for class CCM_SoftwareUpdate...." but the patches were never downloaded to the client. The event logs shows Error 7000 from SMS Server (SMS_WSUS_CONTROL_MANAGER) stating: On 10/11/2017 14:13:12, component SMS_WSUS_CONTROL_MANAGER on computer SERVERNAME.domain.com reported: WSUS Control Manager failed to configure proxy settings on WSUS Server " SERVERNAME.domain.com ". I also get error 9 from Windows Server Update Services stating thet web services are not working for DSS Authentication, SimpleAuth, Client, Server Synchronization, API Remoting and Reporting services. There are no errors in the WCM.log or WSYNCMGR.log abd I can synchronize SCCM and WSUS. WSUS pull patches from an external source (DOBUS) and sync with them works OK. Nothing is configured to use a proxy. However, the WSUSCtrl.log has an error every minute, what is reported is in the attached file, basically "The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not found". I have checked this SCCM server with one in our test environment and can't fand any differences, permissions are the same, the local groups have the same members etc. Can someone please help as I am struggling. Thank you in advance. WSUSCtrl.log
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