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Everything posted by Dwalsham

  1. Hi, Not sure if you managed to get past this but I've seen these same issues also in the past Firstly have you ran a WSUS Cleanup as of late on the SUP Servers? If not that maybe the first thing to run as I find that these errors normally relate to stale or non contactable machines. These can gather if you haven't ran it for a long time Also cross reference the "ID=ead84792-e01b-4ab3-8283-4bea6c3af850" and check either via PowerShell etc Get-WSUSComputer | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq "ID=ead84792-e01b-4ab3-8283-4bea6c3af850"} and see if this returns anything back. It may report back no machine or may report one somewhere within the discovered computers within WSUS Any machines that normally are discovered by this ID are normally the ones which have issues from obtaining any updates from the SUP, in this case if no machines come up then the machine may not exist anymore within the WSUS but some data could be linked to an SCCM client that may or may not exist. In theory removing the SUP role as well as WSUS would work as you can remove the WSUS part with a new DB and still get the same issue so its tied between the SCCM Client and SUP client syncs. But overall maintenance may help with this. Also check the IIS logs for the WSUS website and check to see that there are a list of machines which can connect to the WSUS url. Thanks
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