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Everything posted by Saeidans

  1. Hello, I don't use miguser.xml , I use migdocs.xml since it backsup files on c: drive as well. I guess I can copy this section from miguser.xml into migdocs.xml with added line for snt files and try. so I added the line to migdocs.xml as follow: <!-- This component migrates data in user context --> <component type="Documents" context="User"> <displayName>MigDocUser</displayName> <role role="Data"> <rules> <include filter='MigXmlHelper.IgnoreIrrelevantLinks()'> <objectSet> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDocPatterns ("FALSE","TRUE","FALSE")</script> </objectSet> </include> <exclude filter='MigXmlHelper.IgnoreIrrelevantLinks()'> <objectSet> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDocPatterns ("FALSE","FALSE","FALSE")</script> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.snt]", "Fixed")</script> </objectSet> </exclude> the stickynotes.snt seems to be being backed up since I can see it in usmt.mig , but when I run loadstate it is not being restored. I manually copied it to to APPDATA/Roaming/MICROSOFT/Sticky notes path to see if windows 10 will convert it as you said, but did not have any luck with that either. what build of windows 10 do you use? I am using 1709 thanks
  2. what does <include> refer to and why it is not closes , I think this is what the issue is
  3. so Imported your quote into migdocs.xml , but it gave me an error. is this how you are using this xml ? thanks
  4. Thank you for the quick reply. just to be sure , did you add this to your migdocs.xml, migapp.xml or simply created now xml like Stickynotes.xml and included in scanstate command ( ex. i:stickynotes.xml )
  5. Could you please share your xml file that migrates snt file from w7 to w10? Thanks
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