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Posts posted by Adam_Nox

  1. We have some Dell Optiplex 7070 computers, and I'm trying to deploy a Windows 10 1909 image to them without changing the default bios configuration, which comes set to "Raid On" in Sata Operation.


    The default dell image works fine, so I'm not sure why ours does not. I'm imported all of the drivers that I could find for this model and intel storage in general. The task applies the OS and works in winPE fine, but after rebooting just gets a blue screen.


    How do I get this working?



  2. I know this is old but there are surprisingly few resources related to this task, which I would have thought would be very valuable in a replacement scenario.


    However, this script is kind of difficult to utilize for large numbers of computers.


    Instead, I think something that would copy collections from ALL source computers in the computer association list to all destination computers in the list would be a lot better for mass replacement scenarios.


    I don't suppose anyone has a starting point or any work related to a script that would copy collections from all source to all destination computers in the association list in SCCM?



  3. Not sure how to even search for this, and trying to set up a computer association isn't doing anything (seriously seems to be limited strictly to user state data). And I need to be able to set this up for computer names that have yet to be created.


    Is there a way to quickly make computer objects with just a name and collection membership?  When we deploy windows to the new machines, they all need different software installed and rely upon collection membership to provide the right packages.


    If this is not something that can be done, how do you all deal with a new batch of computers that people need to be moved to without installing all the software by hand?



  4. 2 hours ago, DaveW said:

    I am starting to work on getting our windows 7 (WIFI only) clients upgraded and am having a little trouble getting started. Were you able to get this figured out?
    I created the Upgrade TS(bare minimum for testing), and set it to pre-download content. so far download takes forever on the client, and craps out before it even gets started (log attached)

    Management Point name must be set in an environment variable    TSManager    8/22/2019 6:00:52 AM    4112 (0x1010)    -this seems strange

    smsts.log 26.97 kB · 0 downloads

    Yes, my last post may have been cryptic, but I did get it to work without requiring any internet during the winPE phase. That includes a separate step for domain joining.


    I did not do an Upgrade TS, it is a full windows installation TS.  Download did take forever, and the important part was to use the source switch on the apply windows settings step to tell configmgr to install from the pre-downloaded content.


    Anything that absolutely requires internet has to be disabled or placed after the winPE phase.  Then in deployment options, it is set to download content ahead of time.  


    Worth noting I don't use this method any more. It took some work getting all the drivers loaded into the winPE boot file, but now I just let it connect over wifi and run tasks.  This topic has the most clear information on getting it all to work, though it could still be better organized into a guide: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/326463f7-d0e5-45fb-a13b-40ac46684bfc/successful-wireless-imaging?forum=configmanagerosd&prof=required - read all the posts.


    Good luck.

  5. I have an OSD with the self-contained EXE set to run in full OS. SCCM tells me that it worked, but it didn't. Once logged in, I can run the same program and it does indeed change bios settings.


    I know this is old, but it still seems relevant. I would like to use the self-contained for a couple reasons, anyone doing this?  


    Edit: Spoke to a SCCM guy from Dell, why they have this tool is beyond me, since they never want you to use it the way that makes sense. I ended up just doing the cctk command lines. You don't need the hapi stuff (maybe in winPE you do), you don't need to install it on the client computers either.


  6. I keep trying different ways to get this done only to find weird seemingly arbitrary roadblocks. Could still use some help.  Where I'm at now is I can get to "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr". But despite everything being downloaded, it keeps trying to find a server, then fails. 


    Are there some command line switches or something to make it just install configmgr from cached files, or otherwise get around the attempt to network during that step?



  7. Hi all, I'm new to SCCM (this is day 4), and I'm trying to get some laptops that are only connected with Wifi to run an OSD, including a domain join, all the way through. 

    By having it cache the files locally, I've gotten pretty far. I used USMT to preserve a netsh wifi export xml file. 

    Now, where I'm stuck is getting that xml imported as the first thing that happens after the first reboot, and I'm not sure how, because none of the steps in the TS are very descriptive in what all they are doing or when the reboot is happening.

    Now, I know I can make an image with the xml in there, and I can also do a join domain from setupcomplete with a powershell script. BUT... I'd like to do this in a way that is not image dependent, if possible, and using the SCCM domain join network setup function to keep my boss happy.

    So my question is, where do I put the netsh wlan add command in the series of steps, and also what is the best syntax for that command (I've seen 'command not found' in the ccm logs, but that may be due to being in winPE, not sure).


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