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Everything posted by aqua-2000

  1. Nevermind - was resolved by removing the Realtek USB drivers and adding in new ones.
  2. Hi all We are looking to start rolling out a 20H2 build but currently having trouble with updating the boot image. After having the ADK and PE add on installed on the SCCM server, we are running the 'Update Distribution Points Wizard' on our Boot image but getting the below error: Error: Update boot image: • Microsoft Windows PE (x64) Error: Update actions: • Add ConfigMgr binaries using Production Client version 5.00.9049.1010 • Set scratch space • Enable Windows PE command line support • Add drivers Error: Failed to import the following drivers: • Realtek USB FE Family Controller Optional components: • Scripting (WinPE-Scripting) • Startup (WinPE-SecureStartup) • Network (WinPE-WDS-Tools) • Scripting (WinPE-WMI) Error: The wizard detected the following problems when updating the boot image. • Failed to inject a ConfigMgr driver into the mounted WIM file The SMS Provider reported an error.: ConfigMgr Error Object: instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus { • Description = "Failed to inject OSD binaries into mounted WIM file (often happens if unsigned drivers are inserted into x64 boot image)"; • ErrorCode = 2152205056; • File = "..\\sspbootimagepackage.cpp"; • Line = 5469; • ObjectInfo = "CSspBootImagePackage::PreRefreshPkgSrcHook"; • Operation = "ExecMethod"; • ParameterInfo = "SMS_BootImagePackage.PackageID=\"FC1001C5\""; • ProviderName = "WinMgmt"; • StatusCode = 2147749889; }; Any help would be appreciated - fairly new to SCCM!
  3. I would love to have a copy of these files - I'm trying to do the same thing and also getting stuck! I'll be setting up SCCM 2012 next as well hopefully don't run into the same issue
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