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Posts posted by Lucid

  1. How to deploy a VBScript via SCCM? Simply place it in a folder and make a Package out of it like you normally would with any other app. Then you can simply Browse to the .VBS file like you would to a .EXE and set it up to execute. Of course, there's a few other things here and there, but that's the basics of it. Also remember that the script will run as SYSTEM if you deploy it with Admin rights.


    If your machines are on a domain I'd also suggest looking at using a GPO, or else maybe granting the users rights to add printers and implement a logon script (either via a GPO using loopback processing, or on the domain user account)...

  2. Just tossing this out there since if it were me I'd just look at getting the sweep done and everyone onto Windows 7... It sounds like you may want to focus on your collection queries. Perhaps set it so that the query includes a check against Hardware inventory date, and if it's less than 3 days old, don't let the resource object get added. Theoretically your new installs would report their hardware inventory by then (depending on how you have things set up). So then, if your query is set so that it doesn't add a machine if it's already got your app, that small delay would give things enough time to synch up. Of course, you'd only want to set this on the apps you knew were going on the machines via OSD because otherwise you may have apps you want to get installed, that wouldn't for 3 days (or whatever number you picked).


    Just a thought, and hopefully someone else can chime in...

  3. I think you need to break things down into steps and questions. Your first post is asking for the entire ball of wax. So what is your first problem that you're running into that you want help with in your script and/or process? Your first goal should probably be to get the SCCM client installed. After that you can deploy apps and scripts to the machines and let them do all the work (so instead of one huge overwhelming scripted process you break it down to smaller ones and let SCCM help)...

  4. Does this help you figure out the step you overlooked?



    And if you enabled F8 you can boot up again and snag the logs off the workstation (but first check the advertisement status for your TS in the Configuration Manger console): http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/546-how-can-i-troubleshoot-windows-pe-booting-in-sccm/

  5. I'd also suggest comparing the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) on the machine that failed against the ones that worked. If the HALs are different you may need to use a script to change things, or a different image. Remember, XP is HAL dependent (Vista and 7 are not)...

  6. It sounds like you might have two issues going on. One is to make sure that Aero is enabled when your deployment is done. And two is to make the theme changes you'd want.


    So if you remove all your theme customizations and stuff, is Aero enabled the first time you log in? If you look at the bottom of this page: http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/rbennett806/pages/using-sccm-to-capture-and-deploy-windows-7.aspx at Figure 11 you can see the command you need. Make sure you add "formal" for 32-bit, and for 64-bit you'll want to use "C:\Windows\sysnative\WinSAT.exe formal".


    Once you have Aero enabled, you can try the Unattend.xml stuff, but I know I was never able to quite get what I wanted for our environment. So I made a .THEME package and then cranked out a VBscript to copy it over to the needed folder at the tail end of our TS:.

    strScriptFileDirectory = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(wscript.ScriptFullName)

    objFSO.CopyFile (strScriptFileDirectory & "\OurTheme.theme"), (SystemDrive & "\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\oem.theme"), True

  7. Just tossing this idea out there, not sure if it'll work or not, but... You could think about making Packages of your apps (you should be doing that anyway) and then set up a separate Program that can be advertised to your machines so that it lists the software in the Add Programs section (under "Install a program from the network") of the Control Panel. That way your user could navigate to there and trigger a reinstall... Also, if you're not there yet, investigate internet-based clients so you could just have the user call into a support line and a techie could kick out a package and reinstall the app via SCCM as long as the device can connect to the internet...

  8. Are you sure your WMI query filters are correct? Are you just using the manufactuere/model for this? If so, you might want to verify it on the actual machine because it could be spelled differently depending on BIOS level (not sure about HP, but I know Dell has a variety of manufacturer spellings depending on the BIOS). You say that sometimes it works and sometimes not. Is this on the same model, or different models?

  9. Okay, since my BATCHfu is awful these days, and I admit, I'm worn out right now, I thought I'd toss out some VBScript code you could try until either my brain gets back into gear, or someone else chimes in.


    You can use Notepad to copy the following into a .VBS file. Then your "setup.exe" file should be up one directory level, and your "options.txt" file should reside in the same folder as the script (you can name the folder whatever you want). Once you do that, test it out manually to make sure it works. Then, before using in SCCM, delete the last line so it doesn't cause a poup during deployment (you won't be able to see the popup, so things just hang).


    And if that doesn't work for you, do some digging on the syntax need for a batch file to get the current directory instead of using a variable for the deployment root (sorry, like I said, my brain is worn out)...



    Option Explicit

    Dim objWshShell, objFSO, strScriptFileDirectory, strScriptParentDirectory

    Set objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    strScriptFileDirectory = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(wscript.ScriptFullName)

    strScriptParentDirectory = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(strScriptFileDirectory)

    If objFSO.FileExists(strScriptParentDirectory & "\setup.exe") Then

    If objFSO.FileExists(strScriptFileDirectory & "\Options.txt") Then

    objWshShell.Run """" & strScriptParentDirectory & "\setup.exe"" -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=""" & strScriptFileDirectory & "\Options.txt""", 1, True


    'Abort the VBScript and return a failure code to SCCM because the Options.txt file wasn't found.


    End If


    'Abort the VBScript and return a failure code to SCCM because the Setup.exe file wasn't found.


    End If

    Wscript.echo "If both files exist in the designated spots, then the app would be done installing now."

  10. Well, if it helps, here's the "sysprep.inf" file we use when deploying a captured XP image to a machine:
















    FullName="PC User"























  11. In the Software Installation section, are you setting up a line item for each Package/Program for the desired application? And are you using WMI filter queries or anything? Basically, can you give us a little more info on that part of your TS? The process should wait until each piece of software has either returned an exit code, or gone past the allotted time you put in your Program settings...

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