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  1. My Name is Siroj, i am from Belgium and as of a few weeks i am added to the SCCM team. When assigned with this new task my SCCM knowledge was very basic and atm i am studying to be certified. I'll first try to explain what i want to create here and why. In our organisation we have a lot of (+/- 30) different computer models with a total of around 7000 machines and we need to upgrade all of those BIOSes to the latest version. Sometimes the upgrade needs staging because of earlier version requirements. To make things a bit harder, we want to upgrade inside WinPE to be absolutely sure the BIOS is up-to-date before entering FullOS and continuing the TS because of BIOS requirements of some of the applications that are installed using the same TS. Creating a "normal" TS using groups, WMI queries and nested stuff to install the BIOS upgrades is not manageable due to the sheer amount of upgrades that need to be added. I already found ways to install the upgrades using powershell or VB scripts and that's what i want to accomplish. The only thing that i am having issues with is reboots. Of course BIOS upgrades need the computer to reboot to complete it's task. Using the usual Reboot step within the TS won't work for me, as i want to use a single script to do all the work. Most of the scripts have to be repeated a few times accompanied with a TS reboot but that's not what i want. The script i want to create checks for the current BIOS version, if a newer version is available install that and reboot. After the reboot, rerun the same script using the same TS step and repeat this until no newer version is available. After that BIOS Upgrade step is complete, and the BIOS is upgraded to the latest version or the BIOS was already up-to-date resume the rest of the TS. This way we only have 1 step that does all the BIOS upgrade work for us and this keeps the TS clean and manageable. Of course i did some digging and this is not a standard approach. Creating the script that does all the work is not the problem for me, it's handling the reboots and re-running the same TS step after a reboot. As far as my SCCM knowlegde goes, rerunning the same step is not natively supported but PLEASE correct me if i am wrong! At this moment i am investigating the use of the built-in variable SMSTSRetryRequested and SMSTSRebootRequested as found on technet: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh273375.aspx. It clearly states that;"After the computer is restarted, the task sequence manager will rerun the same task sequence step." This should work when SMSTSRebootRequested also has been set to TRUE. Unfortunately, this doesn't work at all. I wish i could provide you with a log file and show what's happening, but i am at home atm so no logs available. If i recall correctly, the script exit's correctly and both variables are set to TRUE. It then won't restart, but exits in error and the TS halts. I'll be able to provide more LOG info tomorrow, but if anyone has more info that could assist me in this "quest" that would be great )
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