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Refresh Device collection Membership

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Hi all,


My goal is to Install applications with Dynamic Varibales which are set in a Device Collection.

I created a query to link my device collection with an AD Security group (<-- It works)

So during the task sequence I put the Computer as member of a security group (<-- It works)

After this I execute a script which make a forest discovery and an update membership for the device Collection (Script is below)




#/ Session Creation /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Try {
$MySession = New-PSSession [serverHostName]
Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
Invoke-Command -session $MySession -ArgumentList $Collections -script {
param ($Collections)
$Collections = $Collections.Split(',')
#/ Import Module + Change Drive /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Import-Module "E:\Services\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
$SCCMDrv = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite
cd "$($SCCMDrv):"
################################ Forest Discovery ####################################
Invoke-CMForestDiscovery -SiteCode "[siteCode]"
################### Update Membership - Software Baseline ########################
$SiteCode = "[siteCode]"
$SiteServer = "[serverHostName]"
foreach ($Value in $Collections) {
echo $Values
$CollectionQuery = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "Root\SMS\Site_$SiteCode" -Class SMS_Collection `
-ComputerName $SiteServer -ErrorAction STOP -Filter "Name='$Value'"
Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
Start-Sleep -s 30



(The task picture is joined to this topic)





When I execute the script on a machine it works well and when I execute it through a task sequence I can see in SMSTS log that the task is successfull (Successfully completed the action (Refresh membership) with the exit code 0)

But it does not update the membership at all !

Is it because of the configuration manager client ? or something else maybe ?


I hope I was clear

Thanks in advance



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ok Thanks, I have tried to output the result in a file but it seems that it is not possible.

Is there another way to capture log about my script or redirect the output in a file because I want to know the result of my script

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I've found a solution, actually the device collection variables have to be set on the collection where the TS is deployed.

Otherewise it will not work and even if you add the freshly deployed machine in the collection during the OSD.

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